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Explorer is a native app that allows you to have 24/7 access to your maps from your mobile device. Take searchable maps into the field to help you find your organization's assets or make discoveries, even when disconnected. Use the included markup tool to communicate your ideas and share them with others. Explorer requires minimal training to use, making it the on-the-go option for taking maps to the field. Use it alone or in combination with other ArcGIS field apps for greater efficiency in your field activities.

When using Explorer, you'll work with the following:

  • Maps list—Find and open the maps that matter to you.
  • Map screen—Visualize and interact with your data.

Maps list

Find the maps you want to work with through browsing and searching.

Maps list with callouts
  1. Search—Enter text to find a particular map. The search function searches the maps displayed in the categories shown, as well as all publicly accessible maps on your portal (ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise). Your search term is used to filter the maps on your screen as well as one or two additional categories—one titled with your organization's name and another titled ArcGIS Online. If you are using an Enterprise portal without the ability to search ArcGIS Online for content, you won't see the ArcGIS Online category.

    Advanced searches are supported. For details, see Advanced searches (ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise). Search fields and Boolean operators are case sensitive.

  2. Sort—Change the order in which the maps are displayed.
  3. Profile—View your currently signed-in account and the settings associated with it.
  4. Current map section and card—See details of the open map. Tap it to return to the map.
  5. Section title—See the category of the maps. Each category includes both web maps and mobile map packages (MMPKs). My Maps includes all maps you authored. By default, Groups is a section in your list and tapping a group shows its maps. If you disabled Show Groups in Map List in Settings, Shared with me contains all the maps shared with you.
  6. Map card—Tap to open or download the map. If the download icon Download is on the card, it needs to be downloaded before it can be used. Use the map card overflow menu Overflow to see map details.

If you are using the app without signing in, your screen appears slightly different. You can use Profile Account to sign in. You'll see different sections of maps: Try Explorer and Featured in the Living Atlas. The search function will search Try Explorer maps and ArcGIS Online.

If your account is licensed to use ArcGIS Navigator, you'll see navigation maps (specific MMPKs) that also work in that app. If your account isn't licensed for Navigator, navigation maps won't appear in Explorer.

Map screen

The majority of your time will be spent on the map screen interacting with the map. Find and view your assets, or mark up the map and share your notes with others. Use the Maps list to open a map.

Map with callouts
  1. Back arrow—Go back to the Maps list.
  2. Map title—Display the title of the map.
  3. Markup—Draw on the map and share your sketches. When using markup, different tools are available. For more information, see Markup.
  4. Layers—See the contents of the map, turn layers on and off, and zoom to a layer by tapping it in the Layers list. You can also access the map legend.
  5. Search—Find assets and places based on the capabilities included by the map's author. Results display in the panel.
  6. Overflow—Access additional tools, including Basemap, Bookmarks, Legend, Measure, and Share Map (to share a link to the map).
  7. Map—Interact with your data, including the basemap, features, and pins. You can pan, zoom in and out, and rotate the map. Long press to use a magnifier and drop a pin at a location of interest or search to get result pins on the map. Tap a feature or pin to view its details.

    If you rotate the map, the rotation angle is shown by a compass Rotation compass in the upper right corner of the map. Tap that icon to remove the rotation and orient the map north.

  8. Features—View your assets as features on the map. Tap a feature on the map to see its details in the panel, including any attachments, related records, or media (including charts and images). In this image, volcano features are symbolized by yellow diamonds. Here, Mauna Kea is selected, indicated by the cyan outline. The areas shaded in grays, reds, oranges, and yellows are lava flow hazard zone features.
  9. Current location—Display where you are. It has three modes you can switch between by tapping it: your location displayed on the map (GPS), the map autopanning to stay centered on your location (GPS autopan), and a compass mode that orients the map the direction you are facing (GPS compass mode). If unavailable, the icon is gray (GPS unavailable).
  10. Panel—View additional information. Here, the panel shows the details of the selected feature and actions that can be taken with it. The panel can also show details of other items, such as search results and dropped pins. The supported actions include Directions Directions (using ArcGIS Navigator), Compass Compass (to get distance and bearing to the location), and Add to My Places Add to My Places (to add the location to your places of interest). You can also tap the feature's symbol to zoom to it.

    When a search is done or features are tapped on the map, the list of results also shows in the panel. Tap a result to see its details.

In this topic
  1. Maps list
  2. Map screen