Dynamic Segmentation widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

The Dynamic Segmentation widget takes multiple input event layers and summarizes them into a single segmented event layer. The tool creates new records, known as segments, at any measure along the event where any of the attributes from any of the input event layers change. You can view the results of a dynamic segmentation in either a table or a straight line diagram, which graphs the input and output event layers. You can use this widget to manage and visualize pipeline data with ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing and roadways data with ArcGIS Roads and Highways.

Examples for Pipeline Referencing

Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to analyze pipeline conditions and allocate funds for pipeline maintenance.
  • You need users to perform a cross event check to verify the accuracy of event data along a route.
  • You want to check for gaps in your data and fill them.

Examples for Roads and Highways

Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to analyze road conditions using variables like traffic and jurisdiction to determine how to allocate maintenance funds.
  • You need users to perform cross check events to verify the accuracy of Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) data along a route.
  • You want to check for gaps in your data and fill them.

Usage notes

This widget requires connection to a Map widget. To dynamically segment events, the Map widget must be connected to a web map data source published with an LRS with the Linear Referencing capability enabled. To view versions other than the default version, the web map data source must be published with an LRS with the Version Management capability enabled.

To create an LRS and publish a feature service with the Linear Referencing and Version Management capabilities enabled, follow the steps in ArcGIS Pro documentation:

To use the Dynamic Segmentation widget with linear referencing services published with ArcGIS Enterprise, you must be signed in with an ArcGIS Enterprise account.

When you include this widget in an app, you can display results in a table or in a straight line diagram.

When you display results in a table, you can interact with the table in the following ways.

  • Double-click a cell in the table to edit its value.

    A line event's business fields are editable when Type = Line in the table. A point event's business fields are editable when Type = Point.

  • Click Save to save changes. Edits affect individual event layers.

A straight line diagram is a graphical representation of event locations and their characteristics along routes. Like the table, the diagram is interactive and editable. Edits affect individual event layers.

When you display results in a straight line diagram, you can interact with the diagram in the following ways.

  • Use the navigation buttons to change the scale and extent represented by the diagram.
  • Click the name of a layer to hide it from the diagram. You can click a hidden layer to return it to the active list.
  • Hover the pointer over an event to display a tooltip that lists event attributes.
  • Click an event to highlight it on the map and see attributes and statistics in a pop-up window. Some attributes are editable.
  • Hover the pointer over the measure bar to display a tooltip that lists exact measure values.
  • Click a measure value to display a pop-up window that lists attributes of all events that exist at that measure.

Example of dynamic segmentation


The following is an example of dynamic segmentation for ArcGIS Roads and Highways.

View a similar example for ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing

In the following diagram, two line event layers, Speed Limit and Functional Class, and a Point Event, P1, are associated with a single route, Route1. Each event layer has different values along the route measures indicated by the color changes.

Event layers and segmented output on Route1
A straight line diagram displaying dynamically segmented event layers.

The route is calibrated from left to right between measures 0 and 8. The three events are present on the route and have the input and output properties described in the subsections below.


The following tables show the first event's measures and values:

Input (Speed Limit)

Route IDEvent IDFrom MeasureTo MeasureFrom DateTo DateSpeed Limit















Input (Functional Class)

Route IDEvent IDFrom MeasureTo MeasureFrom DateTo DateFunctional Class














US Highway

Input (Point1)

Route IDEvent IDMeasureFrom DateTo DateCode








The output feature class and accompanying attribute table are dynamically created using data from constituent linear events. The attribute table is editable, and the edits go through to the individual event layers.

Moving in the direction of calibration of the route (from left to right), the first segment in the events is caused by the Speed Limit, 65, which starts at measure 0 and ends at measure 4. The second segment is caused by the Speed Limit, 40, which starts at measure 4 and ends at measure 5 due to the presence of the Point Event, P1. The third segment is caused by the Point Event, P1, at measure 5. The fourth segment between measures 5 and 6.7 contains the Speed Limit, 40, and the Functional Class, Interstate. The final segment between measures 6.7 and 8 containing the Speed Limit, 40, and the Functional Class, US Highway.

The following table shows the dynamic segmentation output:

Output (Dynamic Segmentation)

Route IDTypeSectionFrom MeasureTo MeasureFrom DateTo DateSpeed LimitFunctional ClassCode














































US Highway


The Dynamic Segmentation widget includes the following settings:

  • Select Map—Select a Map widget.
  • Load Layers—Load layers from the web maps in the connected Map widget. To load layers, the Map widget must be connected to a web map with LRS layers.
  • Clear Layers—Remove all loaded layers from the widget.
  • Default Settings—Configure the following default settings for when the widget first loads.
    • Default dynamic segmentation result—Choose a default method for displaying results, either a table or a straight line diagram. Users can switch between the two at run time.
    • Default attribute set type—Choose whether to show results using a line attribute set or both line and point attribute sets.
    • Line Attribute Set—Choose a default line attribute set.
    • Point Attribute Set—Choose a default point attribute set.
    • Diagram default scale—Choose a default scale for the straight line diagram. The unit is the network's unit. This setting appears when you choose straight line diagram as the default method for displaying results.
    • Table Highlight Color—Choose a color for the rows in the results table.
    • Map Highlight Color—Choose a color for displaying routes on the connected map.
    • Statistics—Turn on this setting to show statistics for the selected event record in a pop-up window when the user selects the event. This setting appears when you choose straight line diagram as the default method for displaying results.

Interaction options

You must use data actions in other widgets to launch the Dynamic Segmentation widget and populate associated values. The following widgets support the Dynamic Segmentation data action, which you can turn on in the Action tab of their settings.

Run dynamic segmentation

Complete the following steps to run dynamic segmentation:

  1. Start Experience Builder. Sign in to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  2. Add a Map widget. Connect it to a web map with LRS data published with the Linear Referencing capability enabled and, optionally, the Version Management capability enabled.
  3. Add a Dynamic Segmentation widget. Connect it to the Map widget, then load LRS layers from the Map widget.
  4. Publish the app.
  5. Launch the app. If prompted, sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
  6. Select events to be dynamically segmented with either the LRS Identify widget, Search By Route widget, or Table widget.

Run dynamic segmentation with the LRS Identify widget

To use the Dynamic Segmentation data action at run time with the LRS Identify widget, complete the following steps:

  1. Identify a location on a route with the LRS Identify widget.
  2. Click the Actions button at the top of the LRS Identify widget panel.
  3. Click Dynamic Segmentation.
  4. The dynamic segmentation table or straight line diagram populates with results.

Run dynamic segmentation with the Search By Route

To use the Dynamic Segmentation data action at run time with the Search By Route widget, complete the following steps:

  1. Search for a route using one of the following measure options:
    • No measure—All the events present between the start and end of the route are dynamically segmented.
    • Single measure—All the events located at the searched measure location are dynamically segmented.
    • Multiple measures—All the events located between the smallest and largest searched measure locations are dynamically segmented.
    • Range of measures—All the events located between the From Measure and To Measure are dynamically segmented.
  2. Select a record from the search results.
  3. Click the Actions button at the top of the Search By Route widget panel.
  4. Click Dynamic Segmentation.
  5. The dynamic segmentation table or straight line diagram populates with results.

Run dynamic segmentation with the Table widget

To use the Dynamic Segmentation data action at run time with the Table widget, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a single route record in the table.
  2. Click the Actions button at the top of the Table widget panel.
  3. Click Dynamic Segmentation.
  4. The dynamic segmentation table or straight line diagram populates with results.