What's new?

ArcGIS 10.9    |

The new release of ArcGIS Excalibur includes enhancements to the project tools, WMTS URLs, the Go-to Coordinate tool, and the addition of a feature table.

Use the project tools

At ArcGIS Excalibur 10.9, two additional project tools are introduced when a project has at least one observation layer: Batch Edit Observations tool and Copy Observations tool. The Batch Edit Observations tool allows you to select and edit multiple observations at once. The Copy Observations tool allows you to select and copy multiple existing observations as new observations.

For more information, see Batch Edit Observations tool and Copy Observations tool.

Save a search query

When you need to search against the same imagery on a regular basis, you can create saved search queries against your search settings and active imagery layer. This allows for a single-click search and discovery at a later time. For more information, see My Saved Queries.

Use WMTS services

ArcGIS Excalibur supports WMTS URLs so you can can view and work with cached map or image services available across different platforms and clients. This is done by connecting through an imagery web service URL. For more information, see Validate the WMTS service URL.

Go-to Coordinate tool

The Go-to Coordinate tool allows you to input coordinates using one coordinate system and output to different coordinate systems using multiple notation formats. You can input a coordinate to quickly pan-to and center on the corresponding location on the map or capture any coordinate location by clicking directly in your map view.

For more information, see Go-to Coordinate tool.

Feature table

The feature table provides an interactive tabular view of any context or observation layers in your imagery project and view highlighted features on the map.

For more information, see Feature table.