Esri Standard Demographics provide a consistent data source and methodology across approximately 170 countries and regions. Standard Demographics are sourced from Michael Bauer Research GmbH.
Many data variables are homogenous across these regions, allowing users to quickly compare global markets and communities. Generally, Standard Demographics provide a broad picture of a data category.
Example variables
To see the Standard Demographics available for each country or region, visit the regional data tables for Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America, or visit an individual country or region page to learn more about that region.
The following table summarizes the available Standard Demographics variables and data categories. Each country or region provides reference documents that list the available variable attributes for that region.
Variable summary | Data category | Description |
Total Population | Count of total population by regional boundaries. | |
Population Density | Regional population count divided by total regional sq. kilometers or miles. | |
Population per Mill | Count of total regional population divided by total national population and multiplied by 1,000. | |
Male/Female Population Totals | Count of regional male and female population. | |
Population Totals by Age and Gender | Count of regional total, male, and female population grouped by specific age increments. | |
Total Households | Count of total number of households within regional boundaries. | |
Average Household Size | Average size of households within regional boundaries; calculated by dividing the total number of persons living in households in this region by the total number of regional households. | |
Households by Income | Count of regional households grouped by specific, reported annual household income categories. | |
Households by Type | Count of regional households grouped by specific household population structures, for example, single parent household with children or married couple household without children. | |
Marital Status | Count of regional adult population grouped by specific marital status types, such as married or single. | |
Educational Attainment | Count of regional population grouped by educational attainment levels; might be further refined by age and gender categories. | |
Unemployed Population | Count of regional unemployed population. | |
Purchasing Power | Regional purchasing power. Data provided includes:
| |
Consumer Spending | Total consumer spending for specific product and service categories. Data provided includes: