ArcGIS Drone2Map system requirements

2023.2    |

Before installing or upgrading ArcGIS Drone2Map on a virtual or physical machine, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements to run it. Also, learn what resources are recommended to get the best performance.

Scan your computer for compatibility

In addition to comparing your machine's compatibility with the requirements below, you can download an app that will scan your machine and generate a compatibility report: Verify your computer's ability to run ArcGIS Pro

Supported imagery


.jpg, .jpeg

JPEG images

.tif, .tiff

Monochromatic TIFF

Multiband TIFF (RGB/infrared/thermal)

1 layer (no pyramid, no multipage)

8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, and 16-bit integer, floating point


Imagery that is more than 75 megapixels is not supported.

Combined project imagery size is limited to 300 gigapixels for Advanced and 100 gigapixels for Standard. This can be calculated by multiplying the number of images by image megapixel size and dividing by 1,000.

Example: A project with 400 13-megapixel imagery is (400 x 13)/1,000 = 5.2 gigapixels.


To process thermal imagery into a True Ortho that represents Temperature, FLIR metadata tags must be present.


ArcGIS Drone2Map requires GPS data for the location of the camera for each photo. For JPG images, this is usually stored in the EXIF header of each image file and is read automatically by Drone2Map. For TIFF files, the GPS data is often stored in a summary text file, with x,y,z position typically reported for each image in GCS coordinates (latitude-longitude, decimal degrees) for x,y and height in meters for z. The height for z can be either orthometric (height above sea level) or height above launch point. Drone2Map checks the EXIF header for GPS information during project setup. If no GPS information is found, you will be prompted for a GPS text or .csv file.

Supported operating systems

The software is supported on the Microsoft Windows operating systems listed below, as long as the operating system is also currently supported by its provider for general or public use.

Operating systemLatest update or service pack tested

Windows 11 Home, Pro, and Enterprise (64 bit)

Sept 2023 update

Windows 10 Home, Pro, and Enterprise (64 bit)

Sept 2023 update

Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter (64 bit)

Sept 2023 update

Windows Server 2019 Standard and Datacenter (64 bit)

Sept 2023 update

Windows Server 2016 Standard and Datacenter (64 bit)

Sept 2023 update


  • Prior and future updates or service packs for these operating system versions are supported unless otherwise stated. The operating system version and updates must also be supported by the operating system provider.
  • The Desktop Experience option is required on all versions of Windows Server.

Hardware requirements

The minimum, recommended, and optimal requirements to run ArcGIS Drone2Map are listed below. Minimum requirements will support the application, but may not perform well. Recommended requirements perform well in most situations. Best performance is gained using the Optimal requirements.

ItemSupported and recommended


Minimum: 2 cores, simultaneous multithreading

Simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, of CPUs typically features two threads per core. A multithreaded 2-core CPU will have four threads available for processing, while a multithreaded 6-core CPU will have 12 threads available for processing.

Recommended: 4 cores

Optimal: 10 cores




Minimum: Hard Drive Disk (HDD)

Recommended: Solid-state drive (SSD) or NVMe drive


Minimum: 8 GB

Recommended: 32 GB

Optimal: 64 GB or more

Dedicated (not shared) graphics memory

Recommended: 4 GB or more

If you're using a notebook computer with an integrated GPU, consider increasing the system RAM to compensate for the use of shared memory.

Visualization cache

The temporary visualization cache can consume up to 32 GB of space, if available, in the user-selected location. By default, the visualization cache is written to the user profile’s \Local subfolder, so it does not roam with the user profile if roaming profiles are enabled by your system administrator.


Minimum: DirectX 11, feature level 11.0, Shader Model 5.0

Recommended: DirectX 12, feature level 12.0, Shader Model 6.0


Minimum: OpenGL 4.3 with the ARB_clip_control and EXT_texture_compression_s3tc extensions

Recommended: OpenGL 4.5 with the ARB_shader_draw_parameters, EXT_swap_control, EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, and EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extensions

Screen resolution

Minimum: 1024x768

Recommended: 1080p or higher

* If DirectX requirements are not met, OpenGL is automatically used. You can also manually change to OpenGL, such as when you suspect an issue with your DirectX driver.


  • Be sure to use the latest available driver.

  • When using a GPU, be sure it is currently supported by the manufacturer.

  • Cloud storage services, such as Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive, are not supported unless stated otherwise in the documentation about specific tools and functionality.

Software requirements

The following software must be installed before installing ArcGIS Drone2Map:

SoftwareMinimum requirement

Microsoft .NET

Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.5 or a later patch release (6.0.6 and so on), using a Windows x64 installer, is required. The presence of Microsoft .NET Desktop Runtime 7 or later is inconsequential.


ArcGIS Drone2Map is supported in various on-premises and cloud environments, as shown in the tables below.

In all environments, a GPU that is compatible with your virtualization platform is recommended for the best user experience.

On-premises virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)Notes

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 1912 LTSR

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 2203 LTSR

Use the latest Citrix and NVIDIA drivers. Refer to the Citrix and NVIDIA websites for the most current versions.

Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016

Microsoft VDI certified with RemoteFX vGPU Windows Device Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2.

Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016

Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2022

Use Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) to pass through the GPU.

VMware vSphere 7.x

Use VMware Horizon View 7.x and later only.

Use the latest VMware and NVIDIA drivers. Refer to the VMware and NVIDIA websites for the most current versions.


  • ArcGIS Drone2Map with Citrix Virtual Applications is strongly discouraged because of poor Windows OS session assignment and management of GPU memory.
  • If using App Layering to add ArcGIS Drone2Map to Citrix Virtual Applications and Desktops, the application may fail to start due to insufficient permission to the Flexnet Licensing Service. To prevent a failure, run a command line installation of the Flexnet Licensing Service with the parameter, MODIFYFLEXDACL=TRUE, for example: msiexec /I "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Drone2Map\Resources\ArcGIS Licensing Service\ArcGISLS.msi" MODIFYFLEXDACL=TRUE.
  • ArcGIS Drone2Map provides a nominal level of functionality and performance in the following environments:

    • Microsoft App-V
    • VMware App Volumes

Cloud infrastructureNotes

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

G4dn instance types

Amazon WorkSpaces

Graphics Bundle

Azure N-Series VMs


  • NV4: Good for 2D use. Capable to deliver a solid 2D experience with ArcGIS Pro.
  • NV8: Good for 2D use as well as light 3D use. Same as NV4 but able to render and move 3D rendering a bit more smoothly.
  • NV16: Solid platform for medium to heavy 3D use. This is a system that many power users may benefit from who work with 3D, as well as those who have large datasets and analysis needs.
  • NV32: This is a good platform for heavy 3D and larger datasets with heavy analysis needs.


  • NCasT4_v3-series virtual machines are powered by NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPUs and AMD EPYC 7V12 (Rome) CPUs. The VMs feature up to 4 NVIDIA T4 GPUs with 16 GB of memory. Ideal for 3D users.


  • NVadsA10v5-series virtual machines are powered by NVIDIA A10 GPUs and AMD EPYC 74F3V(Milan) CPU. NVadsA10v5-series offers virtual machines with partial NVIDIA GPUs.

Cloud application streaming and virtualizationNotes

Amazon AppStream 2.0

Citrix Cloud Virtual Apps and Desktops service 1912 LTSR in AWS

Virtual desktop support for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 1912 LTSR (Citrix Cloud Virtual Desktops only) with AWS EC2 (G4dn) instance type Citrix Workspace client version 2109.

Portal type and functionality

Portal type and functionality

ArcGIS EnterpriseLicensingSharing


































* See Note section below for configuring sharing with older Portals.

  • ArcGIS Online is fully supported for licensing and sharing.
  • Portals with self-signed certificates are not supported as valid licensing portals in Drone2Map. For more information, see Enable HTTPS on your web server.
  • Sharing to portals 10.9 and earlier will require an advanced licensing configuration. For more information, see the following technical article.