Available with Image Server
Deep Learning Studio 11.4 includes new enhancements, tools, and bug fixes. Notable new developments are described below.
Features added for 11.4
The new release includes the following enhancements:
- Enhance the Prepare Training Data landing page to allow the user to select specific work units to start collecting, editing, or reviewing samples.
- Enrich the Prepare Training Data landing page to filter work unit and training samples statistics.
- Support work unit updates in single selection and multiple selection modes.
- On Prepare Training Data landing page, support sample status and assignment updates, as well as, deletion based on filters.
- When configuring a project using a grid system, the user can define an area of interest for grid cells.
- Enhance the label schema management by adding the option to automatically approve collected samples if the Requiring Review setting is turned off.
- Enhance Export Image Chips user interface to include an option to select what labels will be included, and a spatial filter on samples to control what is included when exported.
- When collecting, editing, or reviewing samples, additional shortcuts have been added to quickly select a label.
- Support interference with user-defined area of interest.