What's new

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.0)    |

The 11.0 includes important product announcements, new functionality and enhancements. Highlights of the release are listed below.

ArcGIS Dashboards Classic

ArcGIS Dashboards Classic has been retired and is no longer available in the app launcher. All dashboards now open in ArcGIS Dashboards. All functionality of ArcGIS Dashboards Classic is supported in ArcGIS Dashboards, with the exception of the Follow Feature action. Dashboards that contain the Follow Feature action will still open in ArcGIS Dashboards but the action will not be available. For dashboards last updated in ArcGIS Dashboards Classic, it is strongly recommended that you open their data sources in Map Viewer and the dashboards in ArcGIS Dashboards to verify all functionality. Once verified, upgrade your dashboards by saving them.


Esri recognizes the importance of adhering to accessibility guidelines and standards for all users of our products, including users with disabilities. An Accessibility Conformance Report for ArcGIS Dashboards is now available that describes the conformance level for accessibility features.

Authoring experience

  • The user interface for authoring dashboards has been updated to a unified and common look with the rest of ArcGIS Online. You can now find dashboard authoring tools, including dashboard settings, theme settings, subscriber content, and save options, on the side toolbar.
  • For data-drive elements, you can now expand and collapse the data source table in the preview area when configuring an element to make more informed configuration choices. You can expand the data table while in any tab of an element's configuration window to view the data that is powering an element while simultaneously seeing the element's configuration preview.
  • For elements that support actions, the actions configuration has been enhanced to be more intuitive. When configuring actions for an element, you are now presented with all possible actions and targets. You can turn actions on and off, making choosing action targets faster.
  • The color picker has been enhanced to make choosing the right colors for a dashboard and elements even easier. The color picker now allows you to save custom colors to the color picker, so that you can use them elsewhere in the dashboard.

Dashboard layout

  • A new layout panel has been added to the dashboard toolbar, allowing you to view and manage the dashboard layout. See all elements in one place, and manage them individually or by row and column.
  • A new add element button has been added, allowing you to now add elements directly where you want them on the dashboard.
  • When duplicating existing elements, they are now automatically added to the row or column the original element is in.

Chart improvements

  • Serial charts and pie charts are now able to target elements based on different data sources. When the source and target are based on different data sources, the relationship between these sources must be established with an attribute relationship.
  • Sorting in serial charts has been improved for charts configured with a split by field. When a serial chart is based on grouped values with a split by, you can now sort the data points in each series in addition to the chart's series.


A new data visualization has been added for dashboard authors. Use the table element to visualize data in a table format. Create a table based on grouped values or features. Tables also support advanced formatting using ArcGIS Arcade and can take part in dashboard actions.

Previous releases

To see what was added in previous releases, see Previous releases.