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ArcGIS Enterprise (11.0)    |

To find what's new in the latest release of Dashboards, see What's new.


10.9.1 includes the release of a new version of ArcGIS Dashboards. The previous version of ArcGIS Dashboards is now ArcGIS Dashboards Classic.

The URL for ArcGIS Dashboards is now <yourPortalURL>/apps/dashboards/. Dashboards created before this release automatically open with the new URL and embedded dashboards continue to work. It is recommended that you update your existing dashboards to the new URL by opening them in ArcGIS Dashboards and clicking Save​​​​​​​. To continue making changes to your previous dashboards without updating them to the new version, open them in ArcGIS Dashboards Classic

The new version of includes the following:

  • The list and indicator elements can now take advantage of a new advanced formatting option to customize how data points render using expressions created with ArcGIS Arcade.
  • Data expressions can now be created to power data-driven elements. Using Arcade, you can create feature sets to unlock new insights in your data by combining, modeling, and enhancing your existing data.
  • You can now use selection-based display to configure an element to only render when a selection is made elsewhere on the dashboard. When configuring target elements for filter actions, you can enable the Render only when filtered toggle button to have users make a selection on the source element before the target visualization renders. A message can be customized on the target element when a selection is required.
  • Pop-ups in a map element have a more consistent design between what was configured in the web map, including Arcade expressions and image rotations.
  • You can take advantage of the new Map Viewer capabilities, such as group layers, clustering, and bookmarks.
  • Additional supported data sources for elements include feature collections and CSV web layers. When adding a map with CSV web layers or feature collections, you can now use them as data sources for elements and use them to configure actions.
  • New value formatting configuration options allow number patterns that are automatically formatted based on a user's locale to be overridden.
  • When choosing colors for text, background, and other element components, along with the existing color palette and hex code field, you can also choose to enter RGB values or use HSL syntax.
  • Percentiles have been added as a statistic type. When configuring an indicator, gauge, or serial chart element, you can select percentile, specify the percentile value, and whether you want discrete or continuous distribution.
  • Improvements to the count statistic allow you to choose whether you want to count by value or distinct value when configuring an indicator, gauge, serial chart, or pie chart element.
  • Additional date options have been added to the date filter. If you choose a relative date filter, you can now choose weeks, months, quarters, or years as time units.
  • URL parameters have a new structure. URL parameters now use a hash (#) to append a parameter to your dashboard's URL instead of a question mark (?).
  • A new dashboard setting has been introduced to allow dashboard authors to restrict element expansion. When turned off, the new Allow element expansion toggle button restricts dashboard elements from being expanded at run time.
  • For line or smoothed line serial charts that are date-based and enable parse dates, you can choose to connect gaps caused by missing data points.
  • When adjusting your dashboard's layout, you now have more precision when resizing an element. As you resize, you can now see the percentage of the screen that is being occupied by the element.
  • Selectors have been redesigned and include new configuration options. The following are enhancements made to selectors:
    • Choose a presentation mode for your selectors to better display them on your dashboard. Choose from Inline, Accordion, or Dropdown presentation to efficiently display your selectors.
    • Add icons to your selectors to make them more distinguishable.
    • Use the Show reset option to allow users to clear their selector inputs at run time.
    • For category selectors that allow multiple selections, users can now click Show selected to narrow the list to only display selected categories at run time.
    • For the number selector and date selector, choose to allow both input options for users to input values.
    • For the date selectors that use the date picker, you can now choose to make including time optional.


The 10.9 update included bug fixes and improvements to stability and security.

10.8 and 10.8.1

The 10.8 and 10.8.1 updates included bug fixes and improvements to stability and security.


The 10.7.1 update included improvements in many key areas. Highlights include the following:

  • Three new languages are now supported: Ukrainian, Arabic, and Hebrew. Now if your locale is set to one of these languages, dashboards will honor this setting.
  • Category selectors, when configured to allow multiple selections, can now include a None option. This allows users to quickly unselect many items at once.
  • More formatting options are now available when elements show No Data or No Value.
  • New icons are available for indicator and header elements.


The 10.7 update included new features and improvements in many key areas. Highlights include the following:

  • New actions of Show Pop-up and Follow Feature.
  • Pie chart improvements include the following:
    • More control over numerical formatting for the legend, label, and hover text
    • Configurable label and legend text size
  • Serial chart improvements include the following:
    • Support for logarithmic scaling.
    • Grouped value serial charts now have a configurable maximum number of categories.
    • New rotation setting for axis titles.
  • The new dashboard-level settings allow you to change colors for the background, borders, elements, tabs, and selections.
  • The symbol used for a unit prefix can also be changed through the dashboard-level settings.
  • New flexibility in dashboard configuration through URL parameters. Once configured, URL parameters are designed to trigger actions at run time. The following parameter types are available:
    • Category
    • Numeric
    • Date
    • Feature
    • Geometry
  • Hub icons are now available for indicator and header elements.
  • Improved authoring experience for category selectors.
  • New option to control the list selection color.
  • Dashboards are now viewable on mobile phones. Authors should take care to design dashboards that will work well in a reduced form factor. Limiting the number of elements displayed, judicious use of text, and taking advantage of a dashboard's ability to group and stack elements are all key considerations.


Dashboards is now included as part of the ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 installation.

  • Serial chart and Pie chart can now be the source of dashboard actions.
  • The new embedded content element allows you to embed documents, images, video, or other web content into your dashboard.
  • The indicator and gauge elements now have a single-feature mode.
  • There's a new option for dashboards that contain subscriber content.
  • The map element now includes a scale bar and search function.
  • Set a dashboard's locale using a URL parameter.
  • The indicator element now supports over 100 new icons.
  • The header element can use indicator icons as logos.
  • Various usability improvements for dashboard authors have been made, including adding the ability to control the text shown on dashboard elements when no data is available.


The next generation experience of Dashboards was released with ArcGIS Enterprise10.6. This was a major release that includes support for the following:

  • Author dashboards completely in the browser. There's no need to download and install a Windows app anymore. You can launch Dashboards from your ArcGIS organization. You can also browse and manage your dashboards within your ArcGIS organizational content, or on the dashboard home page.
  • Configure highly interactive dashboards composed of charts, gauges, maps, and other visual elements that communicate with each other.
  • Use better maps, with support for smart mapping, heat map renderers, vector basemaps, stream layers, and labels. You can also use Arcade expressions to enhance map labels and symbology, as well as create custom pop-up content.
  • Create sophisticated charts of various types and styles, including multiseries, combination, stacked, and 100 percent stacked charts. You can also match the colors in your charts with the colors of your map symbols.
  • Design powerful layouts with grouping and stacking.
  • Get revamped data visualizations with attractive and intuitive default styles, as well as additional options to customize the look and feel of your dashboard, such as custom HTML, unit prefixing, and date formatting.
  • Leverage improved date-based filtering.