General FAQ

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9.1)    |

Does ArcGIS Dashboards support anonymous access to dashboards that are shared with everyone?

Yes. Dashboards that are shared with everyone can be viewed by anyone in your organization. To author or edit dashboards, members in your organization must have privileges to create content.

Can I view dashboards on my tablet?

Yes. However, you cannot author or edit dashboards on a tablet.

Can I view dashboards on my phone?

Yes. However, you cannot author or edit dashboards on a phone. Dashboard authors should take care to design dashboards that will work well in a reduced form factor. Limiting the number of elements displayed, judicious use of text, and taking advantage of a dashboard's ability to group and stack elements are all key considerations.

Can I embed another app in my dashboard?

Yes. Use the embedded content element to do this.

Can I embed my dashboard in a web page?

Yes. You can embed your dashboard in an iFrame. It is recommended that you make your embedded dashboard as large as possible on the page to maximize usability.

Can I use subscriber and premium content, such as ArcGIS Living Atlas content, in a dashboard?

Yes. See Secured and subscriber content for details.

Can I use maps created in both Map Viewer and Map Viewer Classic in my dashboard?

Yes. Web maps can be used in your dashboard regardless of the Map Viewer version used to create them.

How can I open my dashboards with ArcGIS Dashboards Classic?

You can choose ArcGIS Dashboards Classic from the app launcher to open the ArcGIS Dashboards Classic homepage. The homepage only includes dashboards created with ArcGIS Dashboards Classic.

How can I provide feedback?

The ArcGIS Dashboards team would love to hear from you. If you have feedback or inquiries, you can provide them within the Esri Community ArcGIS Dashboards community page. You can also send an email to If you are experiencing other issues, contact Esri Technical Support.