Simplify graphs

CityEngine 2024.0    |    |  

You can use the Simplify Graph tool to remove unnecessary nodes from straight sections and curves of the input streets. It operates on the current street selection or on all the streets when nothing is selected.

Segments are combined to longer straight or curved segments based on their angle in-between, except in the following cases:

  • The node in-between is an intersection (valency > 2).
  • Their street width is not equal.
  • One of the segments to combine exceeds the set thresholds.
  • Their combined length would be larger than the set maximum.

You can click Graph > Simplify Graph in the main menu to simplify streets as shown in the following images:

Streets with unnecessary nodes
Streets with unnecessary nodes


Streets simplified with nodes removed
Streets simplified with nodes removed


Simplify settings

Simplify straight sections

Straight sections are simplified.

Straight threshold angle

Angle in degrees. Streets with a lower angle than this are combined to straight segments. Meaningful for both simplify straight sections and simplify curves.

Simplify curves

Curves are simplified.

Curve threshold angle

Angle in degrees. Streets with a higher angle than this form boundaries between fitted curves. Only meaningful if the Simplify curves option is checked.

Curve threshold segment length

Maximum length of a single curve input segment. Only meaningful if the Simplify curves option is checked.

Maximum simplified segment length

Maximum length of the output straight or curve segment.


Straight sections and curves

Straight sections and curves
Straight sections and curves settings

Straight sections only

Straight sections only
Straight sections only settings

Curves only

Curves only
Curves only settings

Curves without limits

Curves without limits

Valid when they are shorter than the set threshold.

Curves without limits settings

Combined curves

Combined curves
Combined curves settings

Combined segments with length limited

Combined segments with length limited
Combined segments with length limited settings