Texture layer

CityEngine 2024.0    |    |  

The texture layer is a special map layer that adds an image as a flat map to a scene.

Create a texture layer

A texture layer can be created in the following ways:

  • Import a texture layer by clicking File > Import > Texture Import in the main menu.
  • Click Layer > New Map Layer > Texture in the main menu.

The Texture dialog box appears.

Texture layer options

You can modify the following options on the Texture dialog box:

Texture File

Choose an image from your workspace. When a georeferenced image is selected, bounds are set automatically.

Bounds Dimensions

The Width and Height of the resulting texture in meters. When a georeferenced image is selected, this value is set automatically.

Bounds Location

The location of the resulting texture in meters. When a georeferenced image is selected, this value is set automatically.


The button right of Location can be used to change the reference point of the texture's position.

Texture layer in a CityEngine scene

The new texture is added as a new layer in the Scene Editor. If the texture is not visible in the Viewport, right-click the texture layer and choose Frame Layer.


All map layers, such as texture layers, aren't available for selection in the Viewport directly. Select texture layers through the Scene Editor.

Texture layer
A texture layer is shown.

Inspector options

You can select a texture layer in the Scene Editor to change the following parameters in the Inspector:


Layer name


Layer visibility


Lock terrain layer


Layer transparency


Color value multiplied onto a layer


Wireframe enabled or disabled


Extent of layer


Location of layer

Elevation Offset

Elevation offset applied to a layer. This value is also available as a built-in function in the Layer Attributes code.

Heightmap File

Heightmap file location


The number of terrain mesh vertices in u and V direction.

Apply Alignments

If enabled, the built-in function elevationDelta in the Layer Attributes code returns the elevation deltas resulting from the terrain alignment tool. If disabled, the function returns 0.

Heightmap Sampling

Bilinear and Nearest Neighbor (hard edges) determine the smoothness of the image.

Minimum / Maximum Height

  • The elevation data from the image is mapped into the range [Minimum, Maximum].
  • Both values are also available as built-in functions in the Layer Attributes code.

Layer Attributes

Has no effect on the rendered texture.


Select the image you want active as your basemap. Click the blank active image to add another basemap.

Basemap properties in Inspector
Basemap properties in Inspector are shown.