User interface

CityEngine 2023.1    |    |  


The CityEngine user interface (UI) has several windows that can be repositioned and resized to suit your needs. The following image is an example layout that compares two redevelopment scenarios:

UI overview


Scene Editor Scene Editor—Scene, layer, object, and scenario management.


CGA Editor CGA Editor—Editing CGA rules.


Navigator Navigator—Manage and preview files in the workspace.


Viewport Viewport—Single-and multiple-perspective cameras and scenarios.


Tool Options Tool options—Manage options for tools such as the selection, shape creation, or transform tools.


Inspector Inspector—Detailed view and editing of selected objects and scenarios.


Dashboards Dashboards—Overview of main attributes by scenario.

Dark theme

You can also choose a dark theme to ease the strain on your eyes and give your scenes a more modern look.

Dark theme

Additional windows

CityEngine also has the following additional windows:

  • Model Hierarchy Model Hierarchy—Inspect models generated with CGA.
  • Log LogCityEngine messages.
  • Console Console—CGA output.
  • Problems Problems—CGA compiler errors and warnings.
  • Progress Progress—Progress reporting of long-running.CityEngine operation