array initialization function

CityEngine 2022.1    |    |  


  • float[]/string[]/bool[] [value, value, ...]
  • float[]/string[]/bool[] [value, value, ... ; value, value, ... ; ...]


  1. value—(float, float[], string, string[] ,bool, bool[] )
    Array element values. At least one element must be specified.


An array containing all elements in the specified arrangement. The type of the array depends on the type of value. For example, a float[] array can be made from a mixture of float and float[] values.


1D array

An array can be initialized by the concatenation of primitive values separated by a comma:

const a = ["B", "C", "D"]                (3)[B,C,D]

Beside primitive values, also arrays can be used to create new arrays:

const b = ["A", a, "E"]                  (5)[A,B,C,D,E]

2D array

Primitive values and/or arrays can be arranged in several rows separated by a semicolon:

const a = [-1 ; -2]                      (2x1)
const b = [0:2 ; 3, 3, 3]                (2x3)
                                            0   1   2
                                            3   3   3 
const c = [a, b ; b, a]                  (4x4)
                                            -1   0   1    2
                                            -2   3   3    3
                                             0   1   2   -1
                                             3   3   3   -2




Fibonacci numbers

fibonacci(n) = case n <= 2 : [0:n-1] 
               else        : fibonacci([0,1], n)
fibonacci(a, n) = case size(a) == n : a
                  else              : fibonacci([a, a[size(a)-2] + a[size(a)-1]], n)

Lot --> print(fibonacci(10))  // (10)[0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34]

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