Interactive terrain editing

CityEngine 2022.0    |    |  

The Terrain Edit Brush Terrain Edit Brush and Terrain Reset Brush Terrain Reset Brush tools allow you to interactively change the elevation of the terrain in your scene.

Set terrain height

To edit the height of the terrain, click the Terrain Edit Brush Terrain Edit Brush tool or click Terrains > Terrain Edit Brush in the main menu.

In the scene, click the terrain to adjust the height. Click and hold to continuously brush the terrain to the new height. You can change brush options, such as height, brush size, or smoothing terrain, in the Tool options Terrain Edit Brush tool options.

Terrain Edit Brush Tool Options

The Tool optionsTerrain Edit Brush tool includes the following options:

Tool options Terrain Edit Brush

Brush Size (m)

The brush size in meters defining the radius in which the terrain height is adjusted.

Elevation Picker

Allows you to pick the terrain height at the location of your mouse by clicking a terrain in the Viewport. Press (y) to turn the elevation picker toggle on and off.

Height (m)

The height in meters in which the terrain is adjusted.

Smooth Borders

Applies a smooth transition method at the brush border between the edited and the original terrain.

  • None: No smoothing is applied.
  • Smooth Range: Applies smoothing to the terrain in which the relative height difference at the brush border is interpolated within the specified range defined in meters (see Range).
  • Constant Gradient: Applies a slope with a constant up or down gradient defined in degrees (see Gradient).
Range (m)
  • Radial range in meters in which to apply smooth transition.
  • Available for the Smooth Range and the Constant Gradient methods.
Gradient (°)
  • The gradient in degrees of the border slope.
  • Available for the Constant Gradient method.
  • Applies a non-linear smoothing in order to avoid sharp edges at the inner and outer fronts of the border region.
  • When the toggle key is off, the smoothing is applied linearly.
  • Available for the Smooth Range method.

Reset terrain

To reset the terrain to the original height, click the Terrain Reset Brush Terrain Reset Brush tool or click Terrains > Terrain Reset Brush in the main menu.

In the scene, click the terrain to reset it to its original height. Click and hold to continuously reset the terrain. You can set the brush size in Tool options Terrain Reset Brush tool options.

Terrain Reset Brush Tool Options

The Tool options Terrain Reset Brush tool includes the following options:

Tool options Terrain Reset Brush

Brush Size

The brush size in meters defining the radius within which the terrain is reset.

Smooth Borders

Applies a smooth transition method at the brush border between the edited and the original terrain.

  • None: No smoothing is applied.
  • Smooth Range: Applies smoothing to the terrain in which the relative height difference at the brush border is interpolated within the specified range defined in meters (see Range).
  • Constant Gradient: Applies a slope with a constant up or down gradient defined in degrees (see Gradient).
Range (m)
  • Radial range in meters in which to apply smooth transition.
  • Available for the Smooth Range and the Constant Gradient methods.
Gradient (°)
  • The gradient in degrees of the border slope.
  • Available for the Constant Gradient method.
  • Applies a non-linear smoothing in order to avoid sharp edges at the inner and outer fronts of the border region.
  • When the toggle key is off, the smoothing is applied linearly.
  • Available for the Smooth Range method.

Reset means restoring the original height defined by the elevation attribute of the terrain layer.

Globally reset terrain

You can reset a single terrain or all terrains simultaneously using the Reset Terrain tool. Click Terrains > Reset Terrain.

Reset settings


Choose which terrain to reset or select All.


  • Everywhere: All terrains are completely reset.
  • Inside selected shapes only: Only the terrain vertices intersecting the currently selected shapes are reset.

Add border

If enabled, a small border region around the shapes is reset, too. Only meaningful if Constraint is set to Inside selected shapes only.