Model export

CityEngine 2021.1    |    |  

CityEngine can export graphs (street networks), shapes (such as lots or street shapes), and models (such as buildings). This page describes a step-by-step workflow for how to export the models (i.e. building- and street-geometry) into the Wavefront OBJ format.

See Model export overview for more information.


The model exporter is completely independent of the already generated models in the current scene, and can therefore export arbitrarily large scenes. This means that you do not have to generate a scene prior to model export.


Export models to OBJ (Wavefront) format

  1. Open a scene (e.g. one of the tutorial scenes) and select some shapes in the Shape Layers or create a selection rectangle.
  2. Click File > Export Models... or press Ctrl + E to open the export wizard.

    A list opens displaying export file formats for models.

  3. Select Wavefront OBJ for the model format.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Choose among a variety of format-specific options.

    The most important ones are the export location and the file base name (highlighted). Please refer to the General export options for a description of the individual options.

    Export Model General Settings

  6. Click Finish to start the export.

    The obj file, textures, and an export log are written to the target location.

In this topic
  1. Example