Generate Pipeline CCTV Features (Utility Solutions)


Imports CCTV inspections data in multiple formats and creates spatial data for surveyed sewer mains.


  • The specified CCTV schema versions selected must match the input tables to produce accurate results. If the input schema deviates from the standard, use the custom schema for best results.


LabelExplanationData Type
Pipe Feature Class

The feature class for sewer pipes.

Feature Layer
Pipe ID Field (PK)

Uniquely identifies each pipe segment. This field corresponds with the InspectionID field in the inspections table.

CCTV Database Schema

The CCTV schema version.

File Geodatabase Location

The location where the results are saved.

File GDB Name

The name of the file geodatabase. The output generates a new geodatabase with a unique name if a database with the current name already exists.

Inspections Table

The name of the inspections table. This table must contain records.

Table View
Inspections ID Field (PK)

Uniquely identifies each inspection.

Pipe ID Field (FK)

The ID of the sewer pipe that was inspected (corresponds with the field specified in the Pipe ID Field (PK) parameter) or the ID of the row in the pipeline table (corresponds with the field specified in the Pipeline Pipe ID Field parameter) for the ITpipes schema.

Trace Direction Field

Identifies the direction (upstream or downstream) of where the inspection began. This field corresponds with the line direction in a utility's pipe dataset. The supported values are Upstream, U, Downstream, and D.

Total Length Surveyed

Identifies the total length surveyed for the inspection. This field is used to trim a utility's pipe dataset in the final output.

Conditions Table

The name of the conditions table. This table must contain records.

Table View
Conditions ID Field (PK)

Uniquely identifies each condition corresponding to a particular inspection.

Inspections ID Field (FK)

Identifies the inspection associated with the condition.

Distance Field

The total distance from the start of the inspection to where the condition was logged.


Identifies if the condition is the start or end of a continuos defect. The supported values are S# and E# and the defect requires two rows (S# and E#).

Media Inspections Table

The name of the media inspections table.

Table View
Inspections ID Field (FK)

The inspection associated with the media.

Media Conditions Table

The name of the media conditions table.

Table View
Conditions ID Field (FK)

Identifies the condition associated with the media.

Pipeline Table

The name of the pipeline inspection table, only required and supported if ITpipes schema is selected.

Table View
Pipeline ID Field (PK)

Uniquely identifies each pipeline in the schema, only required and supported if ITpipes schema is selected.

Pipeline Pipe ID Field

The ID of the sewer pipe that was inspected (corresponds with the field specified in the Pipe ID Field (PK) parameter), only required and supported if ITpipes schema is selected.

Media Table

The name of the media table, only required and supported if ITpipes schema is selected.

Table View
Media Table ID

Uniquely identifies each inspection, only required and supported if ITpipes schema is selected.

Image Reference Field

Identifies the name of the image or video for the condition or inspection.

Inspections Media Video Name

Identifies the name of the video for the inspection, required if ITpipes schema is not selected.

Inspections Media ID Field

Identifies which particular media is associated with this media inspection, only required and supported if ITpipes schema is selected.

Image Reference Field

The name of the media on disk.

Conditions Media ID Field

Identifies which particular media is associated with this media condition, only required and supported if ITpipes schema is selected.

Shape Length Field

The length field used for calculations. If left blank, the geometry will be used to calculate length.

Inspection Name

The inspection name to store on the resulting features.

Video URL

Optional URLs for CCTV inspection videos.

Media Folder

An optional folder where images will be loaded as attachments. The root folder can contain sub-folders of images and does not require all images to be stored within one single folder.

Load Videos as Attachments

ENABLED - Tool will scan the Media Folder for video files named in the Media Inspections table. Video files will be loaded as attachments to the output TelevisedMains feature class. A Media Folder input is required when this is enabled.

DISABLED - Tool will not load Videos as attachments.



This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.

Licensing information

  • Basic: No
  • Standard: Yes
  • Advanced: Yes