Introduction to Police Transparency

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |    |  

Police Transparency can be used to share authoritative information and communicate engagement efforts that build trust with the public and community stakeholders.

In some communities, inequitable policing practices have eroded the public’s trust and challenged the legitimacy of local law enforcement agencies. As a result, many agencies are seeking new ways to improve their relationship with the communities they serve. The larger reform efforts are helping law enforcement agencies improve transparency and demonstrate accountable police policies. At the same time, agencies are also engaging the community more deeply and using their feedback to drive policing priorities and enforcement policies. Police Transparency is typically implemented by law enforcement agencies that want to increase transparency, grow public trust, and improve relationships with the communities they serve.

The Police Transparency solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you share information openly with the public, promote your agency’s work, demonstrate accountability when force is used, illustrate how workforce recruiting reflects the diversity of the community, and engage the public to improve policing services.

Deploy the solution

This ArcGIS solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.

See Deploying a solution for more information.


Police Transparency requires the following:

  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • ArcGIS Pro 3.0 or later (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)

Information products

Police Transparency includes the following information products:

ItemDescriptionMinimum user type
Police Transparency

An Enterprise Sites site used by the public to understand community crime conditions, explore patterns of police use of force, learn about the diversity of their police force, access open data, and discover opportunities for police-community engagement.

Not required

Crime Summary Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public to understand historical statistical trends across major crime categories and individual crime types.

Not required

Crime Summary Mobile Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public on mobile devices to understand historical statistical trends across major crime categories and individual crime types.

Not required

Crime Trends Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public to explore statistical trends and clusters across individual crime types.

Not required

Public Crime Map

An ArcGIS Web AppBuilder app used by the public to explore recent crime conditions in their community and create reports for an area of interest.

Not required

Use of Force by Race and Ethnicity

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public to explore patterns in the race and ethnicity of officers and subjects involved in use of force incidents in relation to the composition of the community.

Not required

Use of Force by Race and Ethnicity Mobile Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public on mobile devices to explore patterns in the race and ethnicity of officers and subjects involved in use of force incidents in relation to the composition of the community.

Not required

Use of Force by Neighborhood

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public to explore characteristics of use of force incidents by community policing area.

Not required

Use of Force by Subject

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public to explore characteristics of the subjects of use of force incidents.

Not required

Use of Force by Officer

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public to explore characteristics of the officers involved in use of force incidents.

Not required

Police Interaction Survey

An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by the public to provide feedback about their interactions with police personnel.

Not required

My Community Officer

A Zone Lookup app used by the public to learn about the community policing officer responsible for an area of interest and how to contact them.

Not required

Community Safety and Policing Satisfaction Survey

An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by the public to report their perceptions of community safety and holistic performance of their police agency.

Not required

Law Enforcement Diversity Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public to understand the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of their police force in relation to the composition of the community.

Not required

Law Enforcement Diversity Mobile Dashboard

An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by the public on mobile devices to understand the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of their police force in relation to the composition of the community.

Not required

Law Enforcement Data Management

An ArcGIS Pro project used by crime analysts to automate data imports from records management or computer-aided dispatch systems, which helps free up time crime analysts typically spend on data preparation.

GIS Professional (Basic, Standard, or Advanced)

When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get an ArcGIS solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The ArcGIS solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.

Release notes

The following are the release notes:

  • A new Law Enforcement Data Management ArcGIS Pro project.
  • A new Law Enforcement Data Management ArcGIS Pro project that resolves an issue where the Transform Crime Data and Transform Call Date models would fail when run as a scheduled task.
  • A new Police Transparency site.
  • A new Crime Trends Dashboard, Crime Summary Dashboard, Crime Summary Mobile Dashboard, and Public Crime Map that leverages a new common crimes feature layer.
  • A new Law Enforcement Diversity Dashboard pro project to help you load and manage your data.
  • Removed the Community Crime Problem Reporter, Community Crime Problem Manager, Community Crime Problem Editor, and Community Crime Problem Dashboard from the solution.
  • First release of Police Transparency