Create the utility network

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |    |  

In this workflow, you will build and configure the utility network and update the asset type map. This database and map are key components for working with the utility network.

Add terminal connections

Terminals are an important part of the utility network. In a sewer system, they enable the flow of wastewater through the system by modeling upstream and downstream information. Manually assigning these terminals can be time consuming, so you will work through a process to automate the assignment of terminals to your devices. To assign terminals, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox, expand the Data toolset and click the Assign Terminal Connections tool.
  2. In the tool pane, set the following parameters:
    1. For Input Network, browse to Working_Data > MigrationWorkspace > Naperville_Migration > SewerEssentials_AssetPackage.gdb and click OK.


      This is the asset package where you loaded your source data.

    2. For Domain Network, ensure that Sewer is selected.
    3. Check the Honor digitized direction box.
    4. Check the Keep existing terminal values box.
    5. For Log file, leave the parameter blank.
    Assign Terminal Connections tool pane
  3. Click Run.

Running the tool automatically populates the FromDeviceTerminal and ToDeviceTerminal fields within the line class. Lines with endpoints coincident with a terminal device are assigned based on their digitized direction.

Synchronize associations

During the data mapping process containment associations were automatically calculated and the C_Associations table was populated with To and From global IDs. Synchronizing associations will populate the remaining attributes of the C_Associations table based on the rules defined in the asset package. To synchronize the associations, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, expand the Asset Package toolset and click the Sync the C Tables Asset Group/Type tool.
  2. For Asset Package, browse to Working_Data > MigrationWorkspace > Naperville_Migration > SewerEssentials_AssetPackage.gdb and click OK.

    Sync the C Tables Asset Group/Type tool pane

  3. Click Run.

Create utility network

The asset package is a geodatabase with all the schema, properties, and related utility network information, but it is not a utility network. To create the utility network, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox, expand the Asset Package toolset and click the Asset Package to Geodatabase tool.
  2. In the tool pane, set the following parameters:
    1. For Asset Package, browse to Working_Data > MigrationWorkspace > Naperville_Migration > SewerEssentials_AssetPackage.gdb and click OK.

      Your source data was loaded into the asset package in the Naperville_Migration folder.

    2. Expand Geodatabase Options.
    3. For Workspace Type, choose File Geodatabase.
    4. For Folder Location, browse to Working_Data > UtilityNetwork_GDB and click OK.
    5. For Geodatabase Name, type SewerEssentials_UtilityNetwork.
    6. Expand Asset Package Options.
    7. Uncheck the Post Process box.
    8. Leave all other parameters at their default settings.
    Asset Package to Geodatabase tool pane
  3. Click Run.


    When processing, you will receive a warning about the condition field being reserved on some database platforms. This warning can be safely ignored for the tutorial. When working with your own data, change the name of this field in the target asset package.

The tool creates a single-user utility network geodatabase. This database will not be post processed, which means that the topology will not be enabled. You must correct errors before enabling the topology, which you will do in the Resolve network errors workflow.

Configure the asset type map

The Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types map is used as the base for building the editor map. To build the map, you will update the data sources to point to the utility network geodatabase, add missing asset groups and asset types, and adjust symbology and map properties.

Update data sources

The map layers currently point to the asset package and require the data sources be reassigned to the utility network geodatabase. To update data sources, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, expand the Map toolset and click the Update Data Sources tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Target Workspace, browse to Working_Data > UtilityNetwork_GDB > SewerEssentials_UtilityNetwork.gdb and click OK.
    2. For Maps, check the Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types box.
    3. Check the Update Map Spatial Reference box.
      Update Data Sources tool pane
  3. Click Run.

The map layers are re-sourced to point to the utility network geodatabase. The spatial reference of the map is also updated to match the coordinate system of the utility network feature classes.

Add utility network controller dataset

The Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types map does not come with a controller dataset as a layer in the map. However, the controller dataset is an important component that allows the utility network to function, so it must be added to the map. To add the controller dataset, complete the following steps:

  1. If necessary, open the Sewer Essentials Network Asset Type map.
  2. In the Catalog pane, browse to Working_Data > UtilityNetwork_GDB > SewerEssentials_UtilityNetwork.gdb and expand the UtilityNetwork feature dataset.
  3. Drag the Network utility network controller dataset into the map.
  4. For Do you also want to add all classes that participate in 'Network' to the map?, click No.

    You do not want to add the classes to the map because they are already present.

Add missing asset groups and types

When you expanded the model, the Backflow Prevention asset group was created. That new asset group must be added to the map to have the symbology and properties adjusted.

Add missing asset groups

To add the new asset group to the map, complete the following steps:

  1. Right-click Sewer Device and click Properties Configuration.
  2. Browse to the Subtype section.
  3. In the Available Subtypes pane, click Backflow Prevention.
  4. Click the Add button Right black arrow to move Backflow Prevention to the Included Subtypes pane.
  5. Click OK.

Add and adjust asset type symbology

To symbolize Backflow Preventer, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand Sewer Device.
  2. Right-click Backflow Prevention and click Symbology.
  3. Under Primary Symbology, select Unique Values.
  4. For Field 1, choose Asset type.

    This parameter adds all unique asset type values for the feature class.

  5. Click the Classes tab, and then click the generic circle symbol next to Backflow Prevention to open a pane to select a new symbol.
  6. Search for Backflow Preventer and select the corresponding symbol Backflow Preventer Icon.
  7. Click the Back button Back to return to the Symbology pane.
  8. Click the generic circle symbol next to <all other values> to open a pane to select a new symbol.
  9. Search for Backflow Preventer and click the corresponding Other symbol Other Icon.
  10. Click the Back button Back to return to the Symbology pane.
  11. For <all other values>, type Other in the Label column.

Adjust visible scale

By default, newly added layers are visible at all scales. You will want to limit the scale at which the symbology can be seen. To update the visible range of the new symbology in the map, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand Sewer Device.
  2. Right-click Backflow Prevention and click Properties Configuration.
  3. Browse to the General section.
  4. Make sure Show layer between these scales only is selected.
  5. Set the Minimum scale value to 1:2,500.

    Visible Scale Properties

  6. Click OK.

Add Pump Station asset type

In the data mapping process, you added a Pump Station asset type. You must add symbology for this new asset type so that it will be visible in the map. To add the new asset type, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand Sewer Device.
  2. Right-click Station and click Symbology.
  3. On the Classes tab, select the Add All Values button Add all values.

    Add All Values adds any unlisted values to the list so that you can assign symbology to them. Pump Station now appears in the list.

  4. Select the generic circle symbol next to Pump Station to open a pane to select a new symbol.
  5. Search for Station and select the Station icon Station Icon.
  6. Click the Back button Back.
  7. Save your ArcGIS Pro project.

In this section, you prepared and built a utility network geodatabase and modified the asset type map. In the next section, you will explore data quality concerns and how to correct them.

You can now continue to the Resolve network errors workflow.