Author a scene layer with a relationship class

AllSource 1.3    |

Scene layers with relationship classes are authored from ArcGIS AllSource to ArcGIS Enterprise. Relationship classes allow you to author web scene layers with one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many relationships. For example, a building scene layer can be shared with an inspections table. You can edit inspection information on a building and view this information in real time across the organization.


Scene layers with relationship classes are not supported in ArcGIS Online.


For the relationship class to be authored properly, the following requirements must be met:

  • The related table or feature class must be present in the scene before sharing the web scene or web scene layer.
  • The scene layer must be shared with an associated feature layer.

Relationship classes are maintained on the associate feature layer of the scene layer. They are supported on point, 3D object, and building scene layers with an associated feature layer.

Web scenes are added back into ArcGIS AllSource through the Catalog pane. Related information can be viewed through the pop-up or by showing the related data in the attribute table. Relationship class details for the scene layer can be viewed on the Relates tab on the Layer Properties dialog box.

View related data in the table view

To view related data in the table view, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the attribute table for the scene layer.
  2. Select the records in the table for which you want to display related records.

    You can also interactively select features in the scene, and that selection also appears in the table.

  3. Click Related Data Related Data from the drop-down table menu Menu and select the name of the relate you want to access. You can also access this option from the Relationship group on the Data tab.

    The destination table appears with the related records selected.