The Edit Vertices tool contains a geometry table in which you can view and edit vertex m-values for a selected feature. You can change a value or apply the same m-value to multiple vertices. This tool is available in the Modify Features pane.

When you use this tool to modify m-values, consider the following:
- The m-value attribute field is added to m-aware features when the feature class is created. If this field doesn't exist, create a feature class with m-values and import the existing features into it.
- To recalculate all m-values for an existing route, right-click a vertex or segment and choose the applicable m-value command.
- To calibrate m-values for routes as part of a linear referencing systems (LRS), use the Calibrate Route tool.
Select a feature and edit m-values
Select a m-aware feature, click the m-value attribute field in the geometry properties table, and type the value in the geometry properties table.
- Add your data and configure settings for editing.
Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.
- On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify
- Click Edit Vertices
in the Modify Features pane.
To find the tool, expand Reshape, or type Vertices in the Search text box.
- Click the Change the selection tool
in the tool pane and select a polyline or polygon feature.
If you select more than one feature, reselect the feature. Alternatively, click the feature in the pane selection view to flash it in the map, right-click, and click Only Select This
If Map Topology is enabled, click the Features tab.
The Features and Edges tabs are not required to complete this workflow. These tabs are available only when map topology or a geodatabase topology is enabled so that you can switch between editing feature vertices and topological edges and nodes.
The selected feature appears highlighted in the map with vertex handles. By default, project settings symbolize the first vertex green, and the last vertex red.
- Click the m-value attribute field in the geometry properties table, type the m-value, and press the Enter key.
To select and apply the same m-value to multiple vertices, press the Ctrl key, and select the vertex rows in the geometry table. Click Update M Values
on the toolbar, type the value in the dialog box, and press the Enter key.
- To finish the feature, right-click and click Finish
, or press the F2 key.
Recalculate all m-values
Select an m-aware feature, right-click a vertex or segment, and click the corresponding M Value command.
To enable m-value commands when creating feature geometry, enable vertex editing on the segment construction toolbar.

- Add your data and configure settings for editing.
Confirm that the feature layer you are editing is editable, the coordinate system assigned to the active map is suitable for the type of edits you're performing, and snapping is configured to help you work efficiently and accurately.
- On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Features group, click Modify
- Click Edit Vertices
in the Modify Features pane.
To find the tool, expand Reshape, or type Vertices in the Search text box.
- Click the Change the selection tool
in the tool pane and select a polyline or polygon feature.
If you select more than one feature, reselect the feature. Alternatively, click the feature in the pane selection view to flash it in the map, right-click, and click Only Select This
If Map Topology is enabled, click the Features tab.
The Features and Edges tabs are not required to complete this workflow. These tabs are available only when map topology or a geodatabase topology is enabled so that you can switch between editing feature vertices and topological edges and nodes.
The selected feature appears highlighted in the map with vertex handles. By default, project settings symbolize the first vertex green and the last vertex red.
- Right-click a vertex or a segment, click M Value, and click one of the applicable commands described in the following table.
Theses commands are available when the pointer changes to the directional cursor
or the segment cursor
Command Description Insert Vertex At M
Insert a vertex at a specified Measure value in the same direction in which the m-values are increasing.
Apply Factor
Multiply all m-values by a specified Factor value.
Sum each m-value with a specified Offset value.
Calculate NaN
Replace all unknown (NaN) m-values with a value that is interpolated or extrapolated from existing m-values.
Drop Measures
Reset all m-values to unknown (NaN).
Set As Distance
Assign m-values to all vertices starting with a specified Starting M value and interpolating the remaining values across the geometry length of the feature.
Set From/To
Assign the specified From and To m-values to the start and end of the feature, respectively.
Set Direction As M
Change the geometry direction to match the direction in which the m-values are increasing.
Vertex m-values update in the geometries properties table.
- Click Finish
, or press the F2 key to finish the feature.