Create a feature class

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There are four primary ways to create a feature class:

  • Using the Create Feature Class wizard
  • Using the Create Feature Class geoprocessing tool
  • Saving the contents of a feature layer
  • Converting an external data source, such as a shapefile or CAD data, into a feature class

When creating a feature class, you choose whether to create one that stores polygons, lines, points, annotation, multipoint, multipatch, or dimension features. See Define feature class properties for information about the various properties that must be set during the creation of a feature class.

Create a stand-alone feature class

Use the following steps to create an empty feature class in a geodatabase:

  1. In the Catalog pane, right-click the geodatabase in which you want to create a feature class.
  2. Click New > Feature Class to launch the Create Feature Class wizard.
  3. On the Define page of the wizard, fill in the following:
    1. Type a name for the feature class in the Name text box.
    2. To create an alias for this feature class, type one in the Alias text box.
    3. Choose the type of features that will be stored in this feature class from the Feature Class Type drop-down list.
    4. If your new feature class will require m- or z-values, check the appropriate check boxes under Geometric Properties.
    5. Optionally, use the Add output dataset to the current map check box to specify whether the feature class will be added to the active map.

    Click Next.

  4. On the Fields page of the wizard, add fields to the feature class. To import field definitions from another feature class or table, click Import and browse to its location, choose the feature class or table, and click OK.

    You can also import field definitions stored in files of type .dbf, .txt, .csv, and .xlsx.

    To add new fields to the feature class:

    1. Click the final row where it says Click here to add a new field.

      A new row is added to the list of fields.

    2. In the Field Name column, type a name.
    3. Click the drop-down menu in the Data Type column and choose a data type for the new field.

      See ArcGIS field data types to learn more about the available data types to choose from.

    4. In the Field Properties section at the bottom of the pane, edit the properties of the new field. To create an alias for this field, click the text box next to Alias and type an alias.

      The properties displayed depend on what you've chosen as the data type for the field.

    5. To prevent nulls from being stored in this field, click the drop-down arrow next to Allow Null Values, and choose No.
    6. To associate a default value with this field, click the text box next to Default value and type the value.

      If a domain is assigned to a field, the default value for the field must be selected from the domain values.

    7. To assign a domain to this field, click the drop-down list next to Domain value and click a domain name.

      If the domain's drop-down list is empty, verify that the field data type matches the domain data type (in other words, short, long, text, and so on). Only domains of the same data type as the field are displayed in the drop-down list.

    8. To set other properties specific to the type of field, either click the property in the drop-down list or type the property.
    9. Repeat steps a through h until all the feature class fields have been defined.

      You can only have one field of data type Global ID or Raster in your feature class.


      When editing fields in the Create Feature Class wizard, Cut, Copy, and Paste options can be found on the clipboard, on the context menu, and as keyboard shortcuts. To use any of the clipboard options on a field, click in the leftmost column of the data grid to select the row. Then use the Clipboard section of the ribbon, the context menu, or the appropriate shortcut keys to cut, copy, or paste the row. If you cut and paste, or copy and paste, it produces a copy of the field with the same name. A red indicator signifies that there is a duplicate name and it must be renamed to a unique field name before the Finish button becomes active again.

      To change the order of the fields you've added, you can click a field and drag it into another position above or below its current position in the fields list. Note that the OBJECTID and SHAPE fields are unavailable and immovable.

      Click Next when you are done managing fields.

  5. On the Spatial Reference page of the wizard, set the spatial reference for the new feature class.

    The box for Current XY is highlighted.

    1. Under XY Coordinate Systems Available, browse to the coordinate system you want to use.

      This control has search and filter options to help you locate a specific coordinate system. You can also base the coordinate system for the new feature class on a layer in the current map, create your own coordinate system, or import a coordinate system from another feature class. To learn more about specifying a coordinate system, see Work with coordinate systems.

    2. If you chose to include z-values on the first page of the wizard, check the box under Current Z and browse to the z-coordinate system you want to use.
    3. Once you have chosen a coordinate system, click Next to continue with the wizard.

      You can also click Finish to accept the default values for tolerance, resolution, and configuration keywords and create the feature class.

  6. On the Tolerance page, type an x,y tolerance or accept the default value.
    1. If the feature class will have z-values, type the z-tolerance or accept the default.
    2. If the feature class will have measures, type the m-tolerance or accept the default.
    3. If you make changes to the x, y, z-, or m-tolerances and want to revert to the default value, click the Reset To Default button.

    Click Next.

  7. On the Resolution page, review the default settings.

    The Accept default resolution and domain extent (recommended) check box is checked. The default resolution and extents are sufficient in most situations, but if you know that your data needs these properties changed, you can uncheck the Accept default resolution and domain extent (recommended) check box and edit the x,y, z-, or m-resolution values as well as the minimum and maximum values for the z- and m-domain extents. Learn more about the properties of a spatial reference.

    Click Next.

  8. On the Storage Configuration page of the wizard, customize how the feature class will be stored. To specify a storage configuration for the new feature class, click Use Configuration Keyword and choose the appropriate configuration keyword from the drop-down menu. Learn more about configuration keywords.

    Click Finish to create the feature class. If at any point you want to discard your changes and not create a feature class, you can click the close button at the top of the dialog box and close the Create Feature Class wizard.

Create a feature class in a feature dataset

A feature dataset is a collection of related feature classes that share a common coordinate system. All feature classes in a feature dataset must use the same spatial reference, which is defined when the feature dataset is created. The exception to the rule are m-domains; feature classes in the same feature dataset can have different m-domains.

Use the following steps to create an empty feature class in a feature dataset:

In the Catalog pane, right-click the feature dataset in which you want to create a feature class.

Click New > Feature Class to launch the Create Feature Class wizard.

  1. On the Define page of the wizard, fill in the following:
    1. Type a name for the feature class in the Name text box.
    2. To create an alias for this feature class, type one in the Alias text box.
    3. Choose the type of features that will be stored in this feature class from the Feature Class Type drop-down list.
    4. If your new feature class will require m- or z-values, check the appropriate check boxes under Geometric Properties.
    5. Optionally, use the Add output dataset to the current map check box to specify whether the feature class will be added to the active map.

    Click Next.

  2. On the Fields page of the wizard, add fields to the feature class. To import field definitions from another feature class or table, click Import and browse to its location, choose the feature class or table, and click OK.

    You can also import field definitions stored in files of type .dbf, .txt, .csv, and .xlsx.

    To add new fields to the feature class:

    1. Click the final row where it says Click here to add a new field.

      A new row is added to the list of fields.

    2. In the Field Name column, type a name.
    3. Click the drop-down menu in the Data Type column and choose a data type for the new field.

      See ArcGIS field data types to learn more about the available data types to choose from.

    4. In the Field Properties section at the bottom of the pane, edit the properties of the new field. To create an alias for this field, click the text box next to Alias and type an alias.

      The properties displayed depend on what you've chosen as the data type for the field.

    5. To prevent nulls from being stored in this field, click the drop-down arrow next to Allow Null Values and choose No.
    6. To associate a default value with this field, click the text box next to Default value and type the value.

      If a domain is assigned to a field, the default value for the field must be selected from the domain values.

    7. To assign a domain to this field, click the drop-down list next to Domain value and click a domain name.

      If the domain's drop-down list is empty, verify that the field data type matches the domain data type (in other words, short, long, text, and so on). Only domains of the same data type as the field are displayed in the drop-down list.

    8. To set other properties specific to the type of field, either click the property in the drop-down list or type the property.
    9. Repeat steps a through h until all the feature class fields have been defined.

      You can only have one field of data type Global ID or Raster in your feature class.


      When editing fields in the Create Feature Class wizard, Cut, Copy, and Paste options can be found on the clipboard, on the context menu, and as keyboard shortcuts. To use any of the clipboard options on a field, click in the leftmost column of the data grid to select the row. Then use the Clipboard section of the ribbon, the context menu, or the appropriate shortcut keys to cut, copy, or paste the row. If you cut and paste, or copy and paste, it produces a copy of the field with the same name. A red indicator signifies that there is a duplicate name and it must be renamed to a unique field name before the Finish button becomes active again.

      To change the order of the fields you've added, you can click a field and drag it into another position above or below its current position in the fields list. Note that the OBJECTID and SHAPE fields are unavailable and immovable.

      Click Next when you are finished managing fields.

  3. The Spatial Reference page is read-only when you create a feature class in a feature dataset. The coordinate system is inherited from the feature dataset. Click Next.
  4. The Tolerance page is also read-only except for m-values. If the feature class will have measures, type the m-tolerance or accept the default.

    Click Next.

  5. On the Resolution page, review the default settings.

    The Accept default resolution and domain extent (recommended) check box is checked. The default resolution and extents are sufficient in most situations, but if you know that your data needs these properties changed, you can uncheck the Accept default resolution and domain extent (recommended) check box and edit the m-resolution values as well as the minimum and maximum values for the m-domain extents. The x,y, and z-values for resolution are unavailable because they are inherited from the feature dataset, as are the minimum and maximum values for the z domain extent. Learn more about the properties of a spatial reference.

    Click Next.

  6. On the Storage Configuration page of the wizard, customize how the feature class will be stored. To specify a storage configuration for the new feature class, click Use Configuration Keyword and choose the appropriate configuration keyword from the drop-down menu. Learn more about configuration keywords.

    Click Finish to create the feature class. If at any point you want to discard your changes and not create a feature class, you can click the close button at the top of the dialog box and close the Create Feature Class wizard.

Create a feature class using geoprocessing

The Create Feature Class geoprocessing tool is found in the Data Management Tools toolbox under Feature Class. You can also use the search text box in the Geoprocessing pane to find it. This tool creates an empty feature class. You can then create fields for the feature class in Fields view, or use the Append tool to add data from a feature class of the same type.

Create a feature class by exporting a feature layer

If you are working with a feature layer in the map, you can export it to create a feature class or shapefile. Right-click the layer in the Contents pane and click Data > Export Features. Export Features opens, converting a feature layer to a feature class using the Export Features geoprocessing tool. If the input is a layer that has a selection, only the selected features are copied. If the input is a feature class or shapefile, all features are copied. Type an output location in the Output Feature Class text box or browse to an output location for the new feature class. If the output location you choose is a folder, the tool creates a shapefile instead of a feature class. Optionally, a subset of features using a SQL expression can be exported. You can also add, rename, or delete output fields as well as set properties such as data type and merge rule.

Create a feature class by importing data

You can use the Import context menu in the Catalog pane to create a feature class. Right-click a geodatabase or feature dataset in the Catalog pane and click Import > Feature Class(es). This opens the Feature Class to Geodatabase geoprocessing tool, which allows you to choose one or more features to import into the selected geodatabase. The Output Geodatabase selected by default can be changed.