Set caching options

AllSource 1.3    |

ArcGIS AllSource uses a cache to optimize performance when working in previously visited extents. This cache is refreshed when changes are made to a map, layer properties, or the data therein, such as when the features in a map are edited. In a scene, the cache also retains the geometries and symbols displayed in the 3D Layers category so they can be reused at multiple camera positions.

In most cases, caching options in layer properties can be set to invalidate the cache frequently or to not use the cache at all. This is useful if you know the features will be updated by a third party (for instance, edited by another user) on a regular basis.

Cache options with feature layers

To set the caching behavior for a feature layer, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click a feature layer in the Contents pane and click Properties to open the Layer Properties dialog box.
  2. On the Cache tab, choose one of the following options:
    • Keep the cache between sessions. Invalidate the cache when the data is updated.—The cache is cleared when the data is updated. With this option, the cache is preserved between sessions as long as the data remains consistent. It refreshes itself when data is updated.
    • Keep the cache between sessions. Automatically clear the cache every specified minutes.—The cache is cleared automatically based on a time limit you specify. Use this option if you know that your data is always updated after a specific time interval.
    • Clear cache when the session ends.—Every time you close ArcGIS AllSource, the cache is discarded.
    • Don't cache any data locally.—Use this option if you have highly dynamic data that changes constantly.

You can delete the current cache for the layer immediately by clicking Clear Cache.

Cache options with web feature layers (feature services)

When you're working with web feature layers, there are only two options for caching: Clear cache when the session ends or Don't cache any data locally. The options for refreshing the cache on a schedule or to maintain the cache after the session ends are not available for these layer types.

With the Clear cache when the session ends option, ArcGIS AllSource makes use of a local cache of features. By default, the cache is filled automatically each time the map has finished rendering and the feature cache criteria has been met. With this option, there are additional controls available to directly manage the local feature cache. If you choose the Don't cache any data locally option, data will not be cached.

Cache options with web feature layers and version management capabilities

When the web feature layer has been published and the version management service (VMS) capability is enabled, the Clear cache when the session ends option is enabled by default and cannot be changed. The default behavior for these layers is that the application automatically manages the feature cache. In this scenario, the cache is filled each time the map has finished rendering and the feature cache criteria has been met. The cache is also emptied and refilled during editing actions such as reconcile, post, and when changing versions. When editing the default version, refreshing the version also refreshes the cache in cases where edits have occurred on the server but are not yet reflected in the current ArcGIS AllSource session.

During editing, the application attempts to keep the cache in sync with the server via the edit response returned from the feature service. In cases where the edit response is too large, the application discards its copy of the local cache. A message is displayed indicating that a save or discard is required to resume caching. Once the edits have been saved or discarded, the local cache is re-created using the current state of the application.

All layers with version management capabilities enabled have additional controls available to directly manage the local feature cache.


  • To clear the cache for all layers in a map, click the Refresh button Refresh in the map window or press Ctrl+F5. This is not applicable for web feature layers with the version management service (VMS) capability enabled.
  • The caching options can be changed for multiple layers simultaneously. Select the layers in the Contents pane to access their shared properties. This is not applicable for web feature layers with the version management service (VMS) capability enabled.