Database and client configurations for query layers

AllSource 1.3    |

Keep the following requirements in mind when you create a query layer that references data in a spatial database or data warehouse:

  • You must use a release of the database management system or cloud data warehouse that is supported by the ArcGIS version you are using. Use the links in Supported databases and cloud data warehouses to check for supported databases and versions.
  • The query layer definition must include a unique, not-null column or a combination of columns that can be used as the object ID in the query layer to use the query layer in a desktop app.
  • To publish from data in a relational database or cloud data warehouse, the query layer must contain a single, unique, automatically incrementing integer column that does not allow null values to be used as an object ID. If the table you want to publish does not contain such a column, you must add one. See Unique identifier fields for more information.
  • If the query layer accesses data in a relational database, the database must contain an SQL spatial type. Depending on the type of database you use, you may need to configure the spatial type. For example, a spatial type is included with Dameng, but you must initialize it to use it.
  • Query layer names are limited to 158 characters. When adding a feature class or table from a database connection in the Catalog pane or Catalog view to the map, the default name used for the query layer is the fully qualified name of the table. If the fully qualified name of the source table in the database or cloud data warehouse contains more than 158 characters, adding it to the map from the Catalog pane or Catalog view will fail. In these cases, use the New Query Layer dialog box to create a query layer, and define a query layer name that contains 158 or fewer characters.
  • In most cases, you must install and configure database management system clients on each of the client computers from which you will create query layers. Contact your information systems department to set up your computer for database connections if your login does not have privileges to install software on your computer.