Share datasets with attribute rules

AllSource 1.3    |

Datasets in enterprise geodatabases that contain attribute rules can be shared as a web feature layer to your organization's ArcGIS Enterprise portal. The type of attribute rule will determine the options used when you share (publish) the web layer.

When sharing, you will reference the datasets in the enterprise geodatabase by checking the Feature check box under Reference registered data. This ensures the web feature layer references datasets in your enterprise geodatabase and will not copy data during the publishing process.

Batch calculation and validation rules must also have the Validation capability enabled to evaluate rules. To learn more, see Evaluate attribute rules.


Attribute rules are not transferred when you publish datasets to an ArcGIS Online portal.

Validation capability

When you share data with batch calculation or validation rules, there is an optional Validation capability you can enable. To learn more, see Additional layers and capabilities.

Analyzers are used to check datasets that are being shared as feature layers with Validation capabilities. The following conditions are enforced by these analyzers:

  • All four error datasets listed below are present in the map. There can be no more than one layer referencing the same error dataset.
    • GDB_ValidationPointErrors
    • GDB_ValidationLineErrors
    • GDB_ValidationPolygonErrors
    • GDB_ValidationObjectErrors
  • All data must be branch versioned. For more information, see Register a dataset as branch versioned.
  • The connected geodatabase must be set to branch for versioning type. For more information, see Update Geodatabase Connection Properties To Branch.
  • The connected geodatabase user must own the data that is being published.

To evaluate validation and batch calculation attribute rules for web feature layers, organization members must be assigned a license for the ArcGIS Advanced Editing user type extension (ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 or later).

Publish a map image and web feature layer with attribute rules

To share datasets with attribute rules as web layers, complete the following steps:

  1. In ArcGIS AllSource, author a map containing datasets with attribute rules. Optionally, add the associated error datasets to the map if you plan to share a feature layer using the Validation capability.

    All fields must be set to visible.

  2. Share a web feature layer by doing one of the following:
    • Share the map and all of its layers as a web layer. On the Share tab, in the Share As group, click Web Layer Web layer.
    • Share selected layers from the map as a web layer. Select the layers in the Contents pane. Right-click and click Sharing > Share As Web Layer Web layer.
  3. In the Name text box on the General tab of the Share As Web Layer pane, provide a name for the web layer.
  4. Complete the Item Details fields for Summary and Tags.
  5. Under Data and Layer Type, confirm that Map Image is selected under Reference registered data. Click Feature to share the web feature layer as a dependent layer to the map image layer.

    For web feature layers to take advantage of attribute rules, they must reference registered data sources. This ensures that the data is not copied during the publishing process and is directly referenced by the service.

  6. Under Location, specify the storage location of the web layer in Portal Folder and Server and Folder.
  7. By default, the web layer is saved to your root folder in My Content. To save the web layer to a different folder in My Content, type the folder name or browse to an existing folder.
  8. Under Sharing Level, specify how the web layer will be shared:
    • Owner—Only the owner (and organization members with privileges to view content owned by other members) can access the item. This is the default option.
    • Organization—Share your content with all authenticated users in your organization. This option is available when you are signed in with an organizational account.
    • Everyone (public)—Share your content with the public. Anyone can access and see it.
    1. Optionally, under Groups, select groups to which you belong to share your content with their members.
  9. Optionally, enable the Validation capability on the feature service. Click the Configuration tab, and click Validation under Capabilities.

    This is not required when sharing datasets with attribute rules but is required if you want the feature layer to participate in validation workflows.

    Review the Validation capability section above for more information about the prerequisites and analyzers for using this capability.

  10. Optionally, click the Content tab to view the new web layer or layers and all associated components.
  11. Click Analyze to check for errors or issues.

    You must resolve all errors.

    If any issues are discovered, they appear on the Messages tab. Right-click each message to get more information, read the help for the error or warning, and access suggested fixes. Learn more about analyzing GIS resources.

  12. When the information and content pass validation, click Publish to share the datasets as web layers.

When the web layers finish publishing, click the Manage the web layer link to manage the web layers in the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

The link will take you to the map image layer item in the portal. You can access the web feature layer from the Content page of the portal.