Elevation Void Fill function

AllSource 1.3    |

The Elevation Void Fill function is used to create pixels where holes exist in your elevation.

Voids occur when there are no points collected within the area represented by a pixel in the resultant raster. Voids are often caused by water bodies, class type selection, or exclusion. Void filling is most commonly used when generating a ground surface.


This function uses the Plane Fitting/IDW void fill method. First a basic method is used, where the average of the eight neighboring values are calculated to fill small voids; then the plane fitting method is applied. If the error of the plane fitting method is too large, an inverse distance weighted (IDW) algorithm is applied.



The input DEM.

Short Range IDW Radius

The maximum search radius that will be used for void filling. A void that is farther away from any valid pixel than this threshold value will remain a void. The units of this parameter are the same as the units used in the data's spatial reference system.

If the value of this parameter is blank, 0, or -1, this parameter will not be used.

Max Void Width

The maximum void width value is used to specify the largest size of a void to be filled. If the width or height of the bounding box around the void is larger than the maximum void width value, the void is not filled. The units of this parameter are the same as the units used in the data's spatial reference system.

If this parameter is blank or has a value of 0, no maximum width will be used, and all voids will be filled. A value of -1 means that no void filling will occur.

In this topic
  1. Notes
  2. Parameters