Use the Raster Functions Batch Editor

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The Raster Functions Batch Editor allows you to insert, update, or remove functions for multiple selected rasters in a mosaic dataset using a step-by-step wizard. This applies or removes functions at the item level of a mosaic dataset.

The following steps demonstrate how the Raster Functions Batch Editor wizard is invoked and used to process a mosaic dataset:

  1. Add the mosaic dataset to a project.
  2. Select the record or records in the mosaic dataset that you want to edit.
  3. Records can be selected in a mosaic dataset in three ways:
    • Use one of the interactive Selection tools on the Data contextual tab.
    • Open the attribute table from the footprint layer and select the appropriate rows.
    • Use the Select Layer by Attribute or Select Layer by Location geoprocessing tool.

    Mosaic datasets contain primary rasters as well as overviews. Typically, functions should only be applied to primary rasters. If you have selected all records in your mosaic dataset including overviews, select only primary rasters using the following steps:

    1. Select the mosaic dataset group layer in the Contents pane.
    2. On the Data contextual tab, select Operations > Deselect overviews.

  4. Right-click the mosaic dataset group layer in the Contents pane and click Selection > Batch Edit Raster Functions.

    The Raster Functions Batch Editor wizard appears.

  5. The first page of the wizard prompts you to choose which operation you want to perform. Choose one of the following three options, and click Next.
    • Insert Raster Function(s)—Add one or more functions to a new or existing function chain at a specific location.
    • Update Raster Function—Edit the parameters or properties of one or more existing functions in one or more function chains.
    • Remove Raster Function—Remove functions from one or more function chains.


    If you choose Insert Raster Function(s), the new function will be added after the function you select. If you choose Remove Raster Function or Update Raster Function, the function you select will be updated or removed.

  6. The second page of the wizard allows you to select which function or functions will be edited. Choose a search method (described below) to determine where edits will occur, and click Search to populate the list with the available options.
    • Function Name—Lists all functions in each selected raster’s function chain by their name. This is different from the type of function, since functions can be renamed during the creation of templates.
    • Function Type—Lists all functions in each selected raster’s function chain by function type, such as geometric. If functions have been renamed but perform the same operation, they are displayed as the same function type.
    • Processing Path (Qualified by Function Name)—Returns every possible path to each item in each selected raster’s function chain by name. A function can exist more than once in the same chain, but you may want to insert a new function on top of only one of them. The path in the function chain provides helpful context when distinguishing between multiple occurrences of a function in the chain because the Processing Path list contains every possible path to each function. Consequently, the list can be long since there may be multiple paths to the same function.

      The paths are displayed starting with the last function in the chain and moving back toward the input raster or rasters. If you are inserting a new function, it will be inserted after the function that you select. For example, if you want to add a new function after function A in the function chain below, choose the processing path in the search results that looks like the following: function B.Raster \ function A

      Function chain example

      The new function or functions will be inserted between function A and function B.

    • Processing Path (Qualified by Function Type)—Works similarly to Processing Path (Qualified by Function Name) except instead of listing functions by their given name, they are listed by function type. This ignores any renaming that has been done to functions within a chain.


    If you choose the Insert Raster Function(s) option, check Insert after the last function in the chain to insert the function at the end of the function chain for each selected raster. Otherwise the function will be added to the top of the function chain.

  7. Thus far, you’ve chosen the operation you want to perform (insert, update, or remove), and the location or locations where you want to perform it. The options on the next page of the wizard will vary depending on the operation you chose on the first page of the wizard.
    • If you chose Insert Raster Function(s), the function editor will contain a raster variable when it opens. Build or import the function template you want to insert. The new function template will be inserted on top of the function or functions you selected on the previous page of the wizard.

      If you build your function template outside of the batch editor and want to import it, make sure you refer to the input raster using @Row.Raster in the function variable manager. This will ensure that the raster represented by the selected record in the mosaic dataset will be used as the input. If you build the template in the batch editor, the variable name will be set automatically.

      Convolution variable properties
    • If you chose Update Raster Function, the wizard opens the Update Selected Raster Function page, where you can update properties, parameters, variables, and settings. The General page is where you can change the name, description, and output pixel type of the function. The Parameter page can be used to change function parameter values. The Variables page can be used to change the variable name of parameters. The Update Settings page is used to identify which parameters or settings were changed.

      Edit any parameters and settings you want to update, then select Update Settings and ensure that the settings and parameters that were modified are checked. While you can manually check additional settings, only the settings that were modified should be checked. Otherwise, the settings that weren’t changed will be overwritten with default values. When you are finished, click Next.


      If you do not check any parameters or settings on the Update Settings page prior to clicking Next, the wizard will automatically take you back to the Update Settings page and display a warning as a safety measure. If the parameters and settings are correct, click Next again.

    • If you chose Remove Raster Function, there are no extra steps required for this option. The wizard will take you directly to the summary page.
  8. Click Finish to complete the wizard.

    The final page of the wizard provides a summary of the edits that were made. It includes the operations that were performed as well as the processing details.


    Make sure you are satisfied with the results on this page prior to proceeding, because you cannot undo the process once you click Finish.