Image Information pane

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The Image Information pane provides access to, and visualization of, pixel-level information in imagery. The pane is a single point of access to location data, spectral information, and a subset of image support data. Pixel and image information is provided dynamically as the pointer moves across the image. The content of the pane will vary according to the information contained in the metadata from the source image dataset.

Point of Interest tools

The Point of Interest tools allow you to select a mode for displaying pixel information. The default mode is Track Cursor Edit Vertex, which interactively tracks image information based on mouse pointer location. To pause live updating of information within the pane, use the Point button Point to add a point of interest within the map window. Use the color picker to specify the color of your point. You can zoom to Zoom To a point, or delete Delete a point. To return to live mode, click the Track Cursor button Edit Vertex.

Location information

Location information listed in the pane includes the x,y image position of the pointer on the image. Supported coordinate systems include decimal degrees, degrees/minutes/seconds (DMS), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), and the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS). Coordinates may be customized by clicking the Settings button Options. The sensor model, datum, and ground sample distance (GSD) are also displayed if available in the source display dataset.

Spectral information

The image's spectral information is displayed in a spectral profile graph. For the pixel at the cursor or point, the graph depicts the image bands and their width in terms of wavelength, if defined in the metadata of the source display dataset. The y-axis of the spectral curve graph presents the range of raw data values in the image. The x-axis represents the wavelengths and widths of the image bands along the electromagnetic spectrum. Highlighted within the graph are the image bands that are mapped to the red, green, and blue in the display, and their raw values are shown below the x-axis.

Quick view information

Quick View provides a small subset of the image support data, including the name of the sensor that acquired the image, the date of collection, and the sensor and sun azimuth angles. Highlight and right-click within a field to copy the information.