What are travel attributes?

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Travel modes and network attributes are collectively known as travel attributes. Network attributes are properties of the network elements that control traversability over the network. These attributes can be configured to be used by travel modes.

Keyboard shortcuts

The table below lists the keyboard shortcuts to use on the Travel Modes, Costs, Restrictions, Descriptors, Time Zone, and Hierarchy tabs.

Keyboard shortcuts


Moves the focus to the name editing control for the current item (travel mode or attribute) by default.

If the focus is on an editable grid cell (for example, an evaluator or parameter cell in the Type column of a grid), press F2 to show the editing control for that cell.

Tab Changes the focus to the next focusable element. If the focus is on a grid, press Tab to move through the cells of the grid.

Changes the focus to the previous focusable element.


Closes and saves the properties dialog box by default.

If the focus is on a grid cell in an editing state, press Enter to move the current grid cell out of the editing state.

If the focus is on a grid cell in a nonediting state, press Enter to move to the next cell in the current column.


If the focus is on a grid cell in a nonediting state, press Shift+Enter to move to the previous cell in the current column.


Closes the properties dialog box without saving any changes by default.

If the focus is on a grid cell in an editing state, press Esc to move the current grid cell out of the editing state.

Alt+Access Key

Shows any access keys on the properties dialog box. The access key is the one with an underscore. Press Alt+Access Key to move to a control.


If the focus is on an item expander, press Spacebar to collapse or expand the item.

If the focus is on a check box, press Spacebar to check or uncheck the check box.

Alt+Up Arrow

or Alt+Down Arrow

If the focus is on a combo box, you can use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to loop through the items. You can also press Alt+Up Arrow and Alt+Down Arrow to expand or collapse the drop-down portion of the combo box.


While travel modes and all attributes should not have leading or trailing spaces or be an empty string, cost attributes additionally require that they not have internal spaces. Since fields are created based on cost attribute names of the network dataset used by the network analysis layer, having internal spaces in cost attributes would cause confusion, as it is difficult to match cost attributes to related field names. For example, a cost attribute named My Minutes in a network dataset would result in a field named Attr_My_Minutes in the table associated with the Stops sublayer of the Route Analysis layer.

In this topic
  1. Keyboard shortcuts