Share routes

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With ArcGIS Pro 3.3, you can plan routes in ArcGIS Pro and share them as route layers. A route layer includes all the information for a particular route, such as the stops assigned to the route and travel directions. Route layers can be used in various applications. For example, they can be used in ArcGIS Navigator to provide route guidance for mobile workers; in Map Viewer Classic, in the Directions pane to further customize the route contained in the route layer; or in ArcGIS Pro to create a route analysis layer from a route layer. A route layer is stored as an item in your portal, either ArcGIS Online or an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. If you need to modify a planned route—for example, to add a last-minute delivery—you can use route layers to share the updated route.

Share a route layer

To share a route or closest facility analysis results as a route layer, click the Share As Route Layer button Share As Route Layer in the Share As group on the Route Layer, Closest Facility Layer, or VRP Layer tab.

Share As Route Layer button

The Share As Route Layers tool opens, allowing you to share the active network analysis layer as a route layer to the active portal.

Use a route layer

Route layers that have been shared with your organization or groups within your organization are downloaded automatically in Navigator. Mobile workers can search for, select, and use any routes that are available to them.

Learn more about how to use a shared route in Navigator

You can also obtain the ArcGIS Navigator link from the item details page of the route layer and share it by email or text message. Licensed Navigator users who have Navigator installed on their mobile devices can open the link and use the route.

Link to the route layer in Navigator

Edit a route layer

To edit a route layer, you create a route analysis layer from a route layer. Select the route layer on the Portal tab in the Catalog pane and add it to the current map.

Add a route layer in the Catalog pane to the current map.

A new route analysis layer is created from the route layer that you can modify using the Route tab on the ribbon.


If you reshare a route analysis layer that was created from a route layer, the new route layer does not refer to the original route layer.

To edit a route layer in a web app, open the route layer in Map Viewer Classic, select the route layer in the Contents pane, and click the Edit Route button. The route opens in the Directions pane, where you can edit and save the modified route as an existing or new route layer.