Start ArcGIS AllSource with a Named User license

AllSource 1.1    |

As an ArcGIS Online organization member, you can use ArcGIS AllSource when the following conditions are met:

  • ArcGIS AllSource is installed on your computer.
  • You have a license. If your user type in the organization is GIS Professional, a license is assigned to you automatically. If your user type is Creator, the organization administrator must assign you an add-on license.

If you don't know whether you have a license, view your settings in your ArcGIS Online organization and click the Licenses side tab.

Start ArcGIS AllSource

The first time you start ArcGIS AllSource with a Named User license, you must sign in to the application with your ArcGIS Online organization credentials. After that, you don't need to sign in again unless you explicitly sign out.

  1. Start ArcGIS AllSource.

    The ArcGIS Sign In window appears.

  2. Type your username and password.

    Your username and password for ArcGIS AllSource are the same as those for ArcGIS Online.

    ArcGIS Sign In window

    The Sign in automatically check box is checked by default. As long as you leave this box checked and don't sign out of ArcGIS AllSource, you will not need to sign in the next time you start the application.

  3. Click Sign In.

    Sign in status in ArcGIS Pro application window

    Your name and active portal are displayed at the top of the ArcGIS AllSource application window. You can be signed in to ArcGIS AllSource on up to three computers at the same time.


    If you get an Invalid username or password error, you may have mistyped your credentials. For other sign-in errors, see Sign-in troubleshooting.

View license information

In ArcGIS AllSource, you can view your license information, including your license level and the extensions you are authorized to use.

  1. On the ArcGIS AllSource start page, click the Settings tab Settings. Alternatively, if you have a project open, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
  2. In the list of side tabs, click Licensing.

    License information in ArcGIS Pro

    The three ArcGIS AllSource license levels (Basic, Standard, and Advanced) are displayed under ArcGIS Pro Named User License. Your license level is the one with the Yes value. In this example, the license level is Basic.

    Extensions are displayed under ArcGIS Pro Extensions. You are licensed to use any extension with the value Yes in the Licensed column.


    To change your license level or available extensions, contact your ArcGIS Online administrator.

  3. Click the Back button at the top of the application or press the Esc key to return to the ArcGIS AllSource start page or to your open project.

Authorize ArcGIS AllSource to work offline

If you need to work in a disconnected environment, you can authorize ArcGIS AllSource to work offline. This allows you to use the application without being signed in.

When you authorize ArcGIS AllSource to work offline, you can only use the application on one machine. This is the machine you use to take your license offline.

If you work in an environment with periodic online access, you can optionally sign in to a portal to exchange content with ArcGIS Online when access is available. You must sign in to a portal to get content from ArcGIS Online or share content to ArcGIS Online. For more information, see Manage portal connections from ArcGIS AllSource.

  1. On the ArcGIS AllSource start page, click the Settings tab Settings. Alternatively, if you have a project open, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
  2. In the list of side tabs, click Licensing.
  3. Choose a descriptive workstation alias if you haven't already done so.
    1. Next to Workstation Alias, click Edit.
    2. On the Edit Alias dialog box, type a name that helps identify the computer you're using to take ArcGIS AllSource offline. Click OK.

    A descriptive workstation alias helps your organization administrator view license details and keep track of which computers—not simply which users—have an offline license. This can be useful if a computer is lost or damaged and a new license needs to be obtained.

  4. Under Settings, check the Authorize ArcGIS Pro to work offline check box.

    Authorize ArcGIS Pro to work offline setting

    The check box becomes unavailable and a prompt appears.

    License checkout prompt

  5. On the prompt, click Yes if you want to connect to an active ArcGIS Online portal to access or share content. Otherwise, click No.

    If you click No, you can connect to an active portal later when an internet connection is available.


    Your ArcGIS Online administrator can disable offline use of ArcGIS AllSource for the organization. If offline use is disabled, an error message appears when you check the Authorize ArcGIS Pro to work offline check box.

Check in an offline license

When you work in a connected environment again, you can return your license.

  1. Start ArcGIS AllSource.

    You must start ArcGIS AllSource on the same computer that you used to authorize the application for offline use. You must also be signed in to Windows with the same user account.

  2. At the top of the start page, click Sign in.

    Sign-in status

  3. Sign in to your licensing portal Licensed Portal with the username and password that you used to authorize offline use.

    If you are already signed in to ArcGIS AllSource, ensure the portal and credentials are the ones described above.

  4. On the ArcGIS AllSource start page, click the Settings tab Settings. Alternatively, if you have a project open, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
  5. Click the Licensing side tab.
  6. Under Settings, uncheck the Authorize ArcGIS Pro to work offline check box.

    A message informs you that you must sign in to your licensing portal again.

  7. Click OK on the message box.
  8. Sign in to reconnect to your licensing portal.

Change your licensing portal

At some point, you may need to change your licensing portal. This is the portal that validates your Named User license and allows you to use ArcGIS AllSource. For example, you need to do this if your ArcGIS AllSource license is moved from an ArcGIS Online organization to an ArcGIS Enterprise organization.

  1. On the ArcGIS AllSource start page, click the Settings tab Settings. Alternatively, if you have a project open, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
  2. On the Settings page, click the Licensing side tab.

    On the Licensing tab, under Licensing Portal, your current licensing portal is indicated with a key icon Licensed Portal. It may be or another portal.

  3. Click Configure your licensing options.
  4. On the Licensing dialog box, under Configure your licensing options, click ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise according to the type of organization that will manage your license.
  5. In the URL box, specify the portal URL:
    • For ArcGIS Online, you can use either or the URL of your organization, which has the form
    • For ArcGIS Enterprise, the URL has the form

    Portal options on the Licensing dialog box


    If you use an ArcGIS Enterprise portal, do not include www. in the URL.

  6. Click OK.

    A message informs you that ArcGIS AllSource must close for the change to take effect.

  7. Click OK on the message.
  8. Start ArcGIS AllSource.
  9. On the ArcGIS Sign In page, provide your credentials for the new licensing portal and click Sign In.