Access ArcGIS AllSource notifications

AllSource 1.0    |

While working on a project, you may receive notifications about ArcGIS AllSource, the project, or items you are using in the project. When the notifications button Notifications in the upper right corner displays a grey dot, notifications are available.

Notifications button with pane

Notifications are grouped into two categories: those regarding the ArcGIS AllSource app and those regarding the project and the items it contains. These can include the following types of notifications:

  • An update is available for ArcGIS AllSource.
  • Your license for ArcGIS AllSource will expire soon.
  • A new version of the project is available from the active portal.
  • A new version of the map is available from the active portal.

Act on a notification

Take action by clicking an operation associated with the notification.

  1. Click the notifications button Notifications to open the Notifications pane.
  2. Hover over a notification.

    Operations appear in the bottom corner of the notification.

  3. Click the primary operation. For example, when notified that a new version of the map is available, click Update Map.
  4. If additional operations are available, click the options button Options button in the corner to list them, and click the appropriate operation.

Dismiss notifications

You can dismiss an individual notification or all notifications at once if you are not prepared to take action immediately. Dismissed notifications reappear the next time you start ArcGIS AllSource, open the project, open the map, and so on. You can ignore notifications for a period of time so you can finish your work before responding to the notifications.

  1. Click the notifications button to open the Notifications pane.
  2. Hover over a notification.
  3. Click the close button Close button in the corner of the notification to dismiss it.
  4. Click the Menu button Menu at the top of the Notifications pane to view additional options for managing notifications.
    • Click Dismiss All to dismiss all notifications at once.
    • In the Disable notifications section, check Current session, 1 hour, or 2 hours to ignore all notifications occurring during that time period. When the interval is over, notifications will appear again when they occur.
    • To re-enable notifications before the disable time period has expired, check Allow notifications.