Use project and portal items

AllSource 1.0    |

Whether you are building maps or analyzing data, at some point you will browse or search for items in your project or active portal to choose the layer, dataset, tool, or package you want to use.

  • In the Catalog pane, if you hover over an item, a pop-up displays information about it, including the item's location.
  • In the Catalog pane, right-click an item and click View Metadata to see its metadata in the catalog view details panel.
  • For styles added to the project, right-click an item and click Manage to see and manage the style items it contains.
  • For items that can be added to projects, right-click them and click Add To Project.
  • For items that can be imported to projects, right-click them and click Import and Open. The item will be converted to an AllSource item and added to the project.
  • For items that can be added to maps, right-click them and click Add To Current Map; choose the specific map to which the item should be added; or, click Add To New Map. New layers are created in the map using information available from the item.
  • For items that can be added to maps, layouts, or used with tools, you can drag them to the desired destination.
  • For items that can be managed using AllSource, right-click them and click Copy, Delete, or Rename.
  • To refresh the list of items while you are browsing, press F5. Alternatively, right-click a folder, geodatabase, server, or item category and click Refresh. In the Catalog pane, click the Menu button Menu, then click Refresh. The AllSource search index will be updated.

In general, only items that can be used in AllSource will be listed for the active portal. However, some items may appear with the generic online item icon Online Item, which indicates the portal item isn't recognized by AllSource and can't be used at this time.