Install ArcGIS AllSource

AllSource 1.0    |

The instructions in this topic describe how to download and install ArcGIS AllSource.

After reviewing the system requirements and downloading the installation files for ArcGIS AllSource, you can install the application on your computer.

You can make either a per-machine installation (the default) or a per-user installation of ArcGIS AllSource. A per-machine installation allows any user to run ArcGIS AllSource on the computer on which it is installed. A per-user installation allows only the user who installs it to run the application.

The default installation location for a per-machine installation is <System Drive>\Program Files\ArcGIS\AllSource. The default installation location for a per-user installation is <System Drive>\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\ArcGIS\AllSource.


To make a per-user installation on supported Windows Server operating systems, the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer registry key must contain the REG_DWORD data type DisableMSI, with a value of 0. For more information, see DisableMSI in the Microsoft documentation.

Download ArcGIS AllSource from My Esri

Follow these steps to download ArcGIS AllSource and other software components from My Esri.

  1. Go to My Esri.
  2. Click the My Organizations tab and click the Downloads tab under it.

    If there is no Downloads tab, you are not authorized to download the software. Click the Request Permissions side tab. You can complete a form to request download permission from your software administrator, or you can click the Contact My Administrator button to send a direct message.

  3. In the list of available products, next to ArcGIS AllSource, confirm that the version number (for example, 1.0) is correct, and click View Downloads.

    If you have not previously agreed to the terms and conditions of the master agreement, a pop-up window appears. After reviewing the terms and conditions, check the check box and click Accept if you want to continue.

  4. Under Download, review the Language setting. To download a localized version of ArcGIS AllSource, change the setting to the applicable language.
  5. In the list of product components, under Files, next to ArcGIS AllSource, click Download.

    An executable file (.exe) is downloaded to your computer.

Install ArcGIS AllSource

You must install ArcGIS AllSource before installing optional components.

  1. Browse to the location where you copied or downloaded ArcGIS AllSource and double-click the .exe file to start the installation process.
  2. Accept the destination folder to which files are extracted or click Browse to browse to a different folder.

    The default destination folder is <System Drive>\Users\<username>\Documents\ArcGIS Pro <version>.

  3. Click Next.

    A message informs you when the files have been successfully extracted, and the Launch the setup program check box is checked by default.


    To install the software later, uncheck the Launch the setup program check box. When you're ready to install, browse to the destination folder and double-click ArcGISAllSource.msi.

  4. Click Close.
  5. In the Welcome to the ArcGIS AllSource Setup program window, click Next.
  6. Review the license agreement and choose an option:
    • If you agree to the terms, click the option to accept the agreement and click Next.
    • If you do not agree to the terms, click Cancel to close the installation window.
  7. Choose an installation context option:
    • Click Anyone who uses this computer (the default) for a per-machine installation.
    • Click Only for me for a per-user installation.

    You must have administrative privileges to make a per-machine installation.

  8. Click Next.
  9. Accept the default location or click Change to specify a different folder.

    The default location for per-machine installations is <System Drive>\Program Files\ArcGIS\AllSource\, and the default location for per-user installations is <System Drive>\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\ArcGIS\AllSource\.

    If you choose a location other than the default, it is recommended that the path include a folder and not be the root location of a drive. The modified path does not append \ArcGIS\AllSource\ by default.

  10. Click Next.

    The option to participate in the Esri User Experience Improvement is checked by default. Uncheck the box if you don't want to participate. You can change your participation status after ArcGIS AllSource is installed.

  11. Click Install.

    When the installation is completed, the Run ArcGIS AllSource now option is checked by default. Uncheck the box if you don't want to start the application immediately.

  12. Click Finish.

Install ArcGIS AllSource from the command line

System administrators or IT support staff managing the ArcGIS AllSource installation may not want to use the installation UI or may be required to use a script to install the application. The following information will help you install ArcGIS AllSource from the command line.

The following is a typical silent installation of ArcGIS AllSource using the command line in a per-machine context:

msiexec.exe /i <setup staging location>\ArcGISAllSource.msi ALLUSERS=1 INSTALLDIR="C:\MyArcGISAllSource\" ACCEPTEULA=YES /qb

The /qb switch provides the basic UI of the progress status and error handling, /qr provides a reduced UI, and /qn provides no UI. For details, refer to Command-Line Options in the Microsoft documentation.


When defining PORTAL_LIST, surround the specified value or values with double quotation marks, for example, PORTAL_LIST=";".

The following are the command line parameters that can be used when running ArcGISAllSource.msi. Use these with the MSI command line options as needed. The parameter names are case sensitive and should be used as defined below. The parameter values, however, are not case sensitive except where noted.

ArcGIS AllSource installation command line parameters

The following parameters can be provided to install using the command line.


This parameter specifies the ArcGIS AllSource installation location. If not specified, the installation location is %System Drive%\Program Files\ArcGIS\AllSource for a per-machine installation and %System Drive%\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\ArcGIS\AllSource for a per-user instance (see the ALLUSERS parameter).


This parameter defines the installation context of the ArcGIS AllSource setup in which ALLUSERS=1 specifies a per-machine installation and ALLUSERS=2 is a per-user instance. If this parameter is not specified, the installation defaults to per user.

If a user without administrative privileges attempts to set ALLUSERS=1, the installation fails.


This parameter specifies participation in the Esri User Experience Improvement program is enabled. The default value is 1, which enables participation. To opt out of participation, specify ENABLEEUEI=0.


This parameter is required to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) during a silent installation. Specify ACCEPTEULA=YES to agree to the EULA and install the software. The software will not install if you specify NO or omit this parameter.


If specified, the BlockAddins registry value allows system administrators to configure the types of add-ins that ArcGIS AllSource will load. It is created under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESRI\ArcGISAllSource\Settings.

This parameter is only read during a per-machine installation; it is ignored if specified for a per-user setup.

Setting BLOCKADDINS=0 loads all add-ins, regardless of whether they have digital signatures. Setting it to 1 only loads add-ins that are digitally signed by a trusted certificate authority; 2 only loads add-ins that have been published by Esri; 3 only loads add-ins from the administrator folders and those published by Esri; 4 does not load or run add-ins; and 5 only loads add-ins from the administrator folders. The default is 0.

Learn more about developing add-ins for ArcGIS AllSource and AllSource

Learn more about creating administrator folders for add-ins in the registry


For per-machine installations only, set this parameter to 0 to disable automatic update notifications of ArcGIS AllSource. If not specified, the default is 1.


ArcGIS AllSource allows administrators to set default values for a select number of application settings in a .settingsConfig file. For per-machine installations only, set this parameter to the location where the .settingsConfig file resides. For more information, see Manage application settings.


This parameter specifies whether a connection to is available from the ArcGIS AllSource Portals page. To include the connection, set this parameter to TRUE. If set to FALSE, the connection does not appear on the Portals page.


To add one or more portal connections to the Portals page, set PORTAL_LIST="<portalURL1>;<portalURL2>". Use semicolons to separate portal URLs.

If ARCGIS_CONNECTION is set to FALSE, this parameter cannot contain


If your portal supports HTTPS, it is recommended that the PORTAL_LIST URLs use HTTPS.

Uninstall ArcGIS AllSource

Uninstall ArcGIS AllSource from your system using the Control Panel window.

  1. Access the Control Panel window from the Start menu or search box.
  2. Using the following sequence, select the feature from the list of programs and features, click Uninstall/Change, and choose the Remove option.
    1. Uninstall ArcGIS AllSource Language Packs, if installed.
    2. Uninstall ArcGIS AllSource.

Uninstall ArcGIS AllSource from the command line

Administrators and IT staff can also uninstall ArcGIS AllSource using the command line or a script. The following information will help you uninstall ArcGIS AllSource from the command line.

To uninstall a product silently, use the following Windows Installer command:

msiexec.exe /x <{product code}> /qb

For example, to uninstall ArcGIS AllSource 1.0 use the following:

msiexec.exe /x {78D6CB82-CC0D-4FCA-A6C2-256A17E0266A} /qb

The product codes for ArcGIS AllSource are located in the registry at either HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Esri (for a per-machine installation) or HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Esri (for a per-user installation) in the string value ProductCode under that product's registry key.

ProductVersionProduct code

ArcGIS AllSource

