Migrate from ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x to ArcGIS AllSource

AllSource 1.0    |

The initial releases of ArcGIS AllSource will have the same features and functions as ArcGIS Pro Intelligence. The key differences between the applications are installation and licensing. Migrating content from ArcGIS Pro Intelligence to ArcGIS AllSource can generally be done seamlessly. However, there are several differences in ArcGIS AllSource that are not compatible with ArcGIS Pro Intelligence, including the Microsoft .NET 6 Framework. The areas impacted are described below.


ArcGIS Pro Intelligence uses AllSource licensing. ArcGIS AllSource uses a separate license.


  • Projects and project templates created in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x can be opened in ArcGIS AllSource. However, projects and templates saved in ArcGIS AllSource cannot be opened in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x.
  • You cannot save a copy of an ArcGIS AllSource project that can be opened in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x. If you attempt to save an ArcGIS Pro Intelligence project in ArcGIS AllSource, a warning appears before changes are saved.


  • Map, layer, report, and layout files (.mapx, .lyrx, .rptx, and .pagx) cannot be opened in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x once they are created or saved in ArcGIS AllSource.
  • ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x map documents are stored in XML. ArcGIS AllSource map documents are stored in JSON format.
  • Globe service layers are not supported. It is recommended that you republish the original layer to a supported service, such as map service or feature service. For projects using a globe service for elevation, the default Esri Terrain 3D service can be used.


Pictures in layouts are stored differently in ArcGIS AllSource. Project packages are needed to view pictures in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence.


  • Geoprocessing tools for packaging create packages that allow you to collaborate with other team members using ArcGIS Pro Intelligence and AllSource 2.x and earlier.
  • Packages you create using the commands on the Disseminate ribbon—such as layers, map packages, and project packages—can be opened in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence, AllSource 2.x, and AllSource 3.0.


  • Web layers and services are shared with content compatible with the target server. When sharing to ArcGIS Enterprise 11, web layers and services will contain newer content available at AllSource 3.0. When sharing to ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 or earlier, newer content may be downgraded.
  • When creating a service definition that contains server connection information, the .sd file contains content that matches the server version.
  • When creating a connection-neutral offline service definition file, you must specify the target server version (ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or earlier, ArcGIS Enterprise 11 or later, or ArcGIS Online) to ensure that the file contains content compatible with your server version.

    Learn more about service definition files

  • Mobile map packages can be opened in both ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x and ArcGIS AllSource.


  • Geoprocessing tools and models created in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence work the same in ArcGIS AllSource.
  • Custom ArcGIS toolbox files (.atbx) are created by default and are compatible with ArcGIS Pro Intelligence.


  • For information about geodatabases, see Client and geodatabase compatibility.
  • Attribute rules created in ArcGIS AllSource are not compatible with ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.x or AllSource 2.x.