Get started with Data Engineering

AllSource 1.0    |

In AllSource, you can explore, visualize, clean, and prepare your data using data engineering. The data engineering process is a first step for many spatial analysis and mapping workflows. The Data Engineering view and ribbon are where you start in this process.

Open the Data Engineering view

You can open the Data Engineering view from feature layers or stand-alone tables. To open data engineering for data that is not yet in your map, add the layer to the map so that the layer is accessible in the Contents pane.

  1. Select the layer in the Contents pane.
  2. On the layer's contextual Data tab, in the Data Engineering group, click the Data Engineering button. Alternatively, right-click the layer in the Contents pane and click the Data Engineering button, or click the Data Engineering button on the Analysis ribbon. Alternatively, you can open the Data Engineering view from the fields view or attribute table. Click the Data Engineering button in the Data Engineering group on the Fields tab of the ribbon or in the table menu of the attribute table.

The Data Engineering view opens, with the fields panel populated with the fields from the layer; the rest of the view is empty. The Data Engineering contextual ribbon tab also opens.

Learn more about opening a Data Engineering view

Explore fields

Use the fields panel to view and explore your fields. By default, all the fields from the layer will be loaded into the fields panel, listed by field alias. The icons next to each field name show the field data type.

  1. Click the Filter button, and click a data type option to filter the list of fields.

    You can also find a field by typing in the Search fields box. The field count at the bottom of the fields panel shows the count of fields included in the filter or search and the count of total fields.

  2. Hover over a field name.
    • When the field can be symbolized, the Symbology button Symbology is available. Click this button to change the symbology of the layer to symbolize by the current field.
    • When a chart can be made using the field, the Chart button Create Chart is available. Click this button to open a new chart for the field. A bar chart, line chart, or histogram is displayed in the Chart window depending on the field data type. The chart is also listed in the Charts section for the source layer on the List By Drawing Order tab in the Contents pane.
    • For all fields, the Go to Attribute Table button Field is available. Click this button to go directly to this field in the attribute table.

Learn more about exploring fields

Interact with statistics

Use the statistics panel to gain a better understanding of the values and distribution of the fields.

  1. Click a field in the fields panel, or press the Ctrl+Shift keys to select multiple fields, and drag the selection to the statistics panel. Alternatively, right-click the fields and click the Add to Statistics button.
  2. Click Calculate to calculate statistics for the fields.

    You may also add and calculate all fields in one action by clicking the Add Fields and Calculate Statistics button Add Fields and Calculate Statistics on the toolbar of the Fields Panel or by clicking the Add All Fields and Calculate button in the middle of the empty statistics panel prior to adding fields.

  3. Click the Numeric, Text, or Date Display button to filter the fields corresponding to each of these data types.

    These filters also remove the statistics columns that are not applicable to the corresponding data type.

  4. Right-click a cell in the table to view functionality related to each cell, including making selections, creating charts, and running tools.
  5. Click the menu button Menu, and choose Export Statistics As Table to save the statistics as a single stand-alone table or as multiple tables for each data type.

Learn more about interacting with statistics

Prepare data

Many data preparation tools are available via the statistics table as well as on the Data Engineering ribbon. The following steps are an example of this:

  1. Right-click a cell in the Skewness column.

    A link to the Transform Field tool is available.

  2. Click OK to run the Transform Field tool.

    A new field is added to the layer.

  3. On the Data Engineering ribbon, in the Tools group, click the Construct gallery, and click the Calculate Field button.

    The Calculate Field tool opens.

  4. Run the Calculate Field tool to add a new field or modify an existing field in the layer.

Use the Data Engineering ribbon and view to access relevant geoprocessing tools and applicable AllSource functionality as you continue to work with your data.

Learn more about preparing data