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Converts Esri JSON or GeoJSON geometry to ArcPy geometry, and Esri JSON feature sets to ArcPy feature sets. GeoJSON is a geospatial data interchange format for encoding geographic data structures.


The spatial reference of a geometry object created from GeoJSON will be WGS 1984.


AsShape (geojson_struct, {esri_json})

The geojson_struct includes type and coordinates.

The following strings are included for type: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, and MultiLineString.


Specifies whether the input JSON is evaluated as Esri JSON or GeoJSON. If True, the input is evaluated as Esri JSON.

(Der Standardwert ist False)


AsShape returns a geometry object (PointGeometry, Multipoint, Polyline, or Polygon) based on the input GeoJSON or Esri JSON object.

import arcpy
geojson_point = {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [5.0, 5.0]}
point = arcpy.AsShape(geojson_point)

If the Esri JSON is a feature set, AsShape will return a FeatureSet. The ArcGIS REST API specification defines feature set as a collection of features with a specific geometry type, fields, and a spatial reference. The JSON to Features tool can be used to convert Esri JSON directly into a feature class.


AsShape example 1

Create a PointGeometry object using a GeoJSON object.

import arcpy

geojson_point = {
    "type": "Point", 
    "coordinates": [5.0, 5.0]}
point = arcpy.AsShape(geojson_point)
AsShape example 2

Create a PointGeometry object using an Esri JSON object.

import arcpy

esri_json = {
    "x": -122.65,
    "y": 45.53,
    "spatialReference": {
        "wkid": 4326}}
# Set the second parameter to True to use an esri JSON
point = arcpy.AsShape(esri_json, True)
AsShape example 3

Create a Multipoint object using a GeoJSON object.

import arcpy

geojson_multipoint = {
    "type": "MultiPoint",
    "coordinates": [[5.0, 4.0], [8.0, 7.0]]}
multipoint = arcpy.AsShape(geojson_multipoint)
AsShape example 4

Create a Multipoint object using an Esri JSON object.

import arcpy

esri_json = {
    "points" : [
        [-97.06138, 32.837],
        [-97.06133, 32.836],
        [-97.06124, 32.834],
        [-97.06127, 32.832]],
    "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}}
# Set the second parameter to True to use an esri JSON
multipoint = arcpy.AsShape(esri_json, True)
AsShape example 5

Create a Polyline object using a GeoJSON object.

import arcpy

geojson_linestring = {
    "type": "LineString",
    "coordinates": [[5.0, 4.0], [8.0, 7.0]]}
polyline = arcpy.AsShape(geojson_linestring)
AsShape example 6

Create a Polyline object using an Esri JSON object.

import arcpy

esri_json = {
    "paths" : [
        [[-97.08, 32.8], [-97.05, 32.6], [-97.06, 32.7],
         [-97.07, 32.6]],
        [[-97.4, 32.5], [-97.2, 32.75]]],
    "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}}
# Set the second parameter to True to use an esri JSON
polyline = arcpy.AsShape(esri_json, True)
AsShape example 7

Create a multipart Polyline object using a GeoJSON object.

import arcpy

geojson_multilinestring = {
    "type": "MultiLineString",
    "coordinates": [
        [[5.0, 4.0], [8.0, 7.0]],
        [[4.0, 5.0], [7.0, 8.0]]]}
polyline = arcpy.AsShape(geojson_multilinestring)
AsShape example 8

Create a Polygon object using a GeoJSON object.

import arcpy

geojson_polygon = {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
        [[10.0, 0.0], [20.0, 0.0], [20.0, 10.0], [10.0, 10.0],
         [10.0, 0.0]]]}
polygon = arcpy.AsShape(geojson_polygon)
AsShape example 9

Create a Polygon with a hole object using a GeoJSON object.

import arcpy

geojson_polygon = {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
        [[10.0, 0.0], [20.0, 0.0], [20.0, 10.0], [10.0, 10.0],
         [10.0, 0.0]],
        [[12.0, 2.0], [18.0, 2.0], [18.0,  8.0], [12.0,  8.0],
         [12.0, 2.0]]]}
polygon = arcpy.AsShape(geojson_polygon)

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