卸载 Workflow Manager

11.2 (Linux)   |    |  

以下步骤将引导您完成卸载 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server

RHEL 7.x 及更高版本

  1. 停止 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo systemctl stop workflowmanager.service
  2. 重新启动计算机时停止启动 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo systemctl disable workflowmanager.service
  3. 删除 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/ workflowmanager.service
  4. 卸载 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server
    $ <arcgis-server-installation-location>/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh

RHEL 6.x

  1. 停止 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ service ArcGISWorkflowManager-service stop
  2. 重新启动计算机时停止启动 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo chkconfig --del ArcGISWorkflowManager-service off
  3. 删除 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo chkconfig --del ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
    $ sudo rm /etc/init.d/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
  4. 卸载 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server
    $ <arcgis-server-installation-location>/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh
    For example: $ ~/arcgis/server/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh


  1. 停止 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service stop
  2. 重新启动计算机时停止启动 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    Switch to root user ($ su)
    $ chkconfig ArcGISWorkflowManager-service off
  3. 删除 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ insserv –r ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
    $ rm /etc/init.d/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
    End the root user session
  4. 卸载 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server
    $ <arcgis-server-installation-location>/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh
    For example: $ ~/arcgis/server/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh

Ubuntu Server 16.04.x LTS 及更高版本

  1. 停止 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo systemctl stop workflowmanager.service
  2. 重新启动计算机时停止启动 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo systemctl disable workflowmanager.service
  3. 删除 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/workflowmanager.service
  4. 卸载 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server
    $ <arcgis-server-installation-location>/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh
    For example: $ ~/arcgis/server/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh

Ubuntu Server 12.04.x LTS

  1. 停止 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ ArcGISWorkflowManager-service stop
  2. 重新启动计算机时停止启动 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo update-rc.d -f ArcGISWorkflowManager-service remove
  3. 删除 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务:
    $ sudo rm /etc/init.d/ArcGISWorkflowManager-service
  4. 卸载 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server
    $ <arcgis-server-installation-location>/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh
    For example: $ /arcgis/server/uninstall_WorkflowManager.sh