自定义 Workflow Manager 配置文件

11.1 (Linux)   |    |  

需要 Workflow Manager 许可。

管理员可以在 workflowManager.conf 文件中添加和管理属性,以为 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 和 web 应用程序配置自定义设置。在安装 Workflow Manager 后,配置文件位于 ~/.esri/WorkflowManager/<hostname>/workflowManager.conf 中。


如果 ArcGIS Enterprise 系统包含多个带 Workflow ManagerArcGIS Server 计算机,则必须在每个 ArcGIS Server 实例中重复对配置文件进行的更改。

Arcade 表达式匹配的地理处理工具名称

如果地理处理工具的名称与 ArcGIS Arcade 表达式的名称相匹配(例如缓冲或裁剪),则取消注释 allowedList 并添加不应作为 Arcade 表达式进行评估的工具名称。 或者,您可以在运行 Pro GP 工具步骤配置中将工具名称包含在单引号或双引号中。


对于高度可用Workflow Manager 部署,每个计算机必须配置为启用高可用性。


联合 Workflow Manager 计算机和 ArcGIS Enterprise Portal 时,请将管理 URL 设置为可用于与站点中所有服务器通信的 URL。

  1. 在文本编辑器中打开 ~/.esri/WorkflowManager/<hostname>/workflowManager.conf
  2. 取消注释 workflowManager.conf 文件中的以下几行:
    • play.modules.disabled += "esri.workflow.utils.inject.LocalDataProvider"
    • play.modules.enabled += "esri.workflow.utils.inject.DistributedDataProvider"

    如果 workflowManager.conf 文件中不存在这些行,请将它们添加到文件底部。

  3. 保存文件的更改。
  4. 重新启动 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 服务。
  5. 在每台 Workflow Manager 计算机上重复步骤 1 到 4。

    Workflow Manager 现已配置高可用性。


在您的系统中,可以使用或参考以下 Workflow Manager 配置文件示例:

# Workflow Manager configuration settings
# Set any user-defined configuration options in this file

include "application.conf"

wmx {
  // Generally should be set to <= play.server.http.idleTimeout / 2
  // This way 2  pings are sent / timeout period to avoid disconnections if one is lost
  wsKeepAlive = 3 minutes

  arcadeExpressionTimeout = 10 seconds

  featureBatchSize = 100

  webRequestTimeout = 1 minute

  webhookTokenExpiration = 30 minutes

  webhookMaxAttachmentSize = 10m

// Uncomment to modify the allowedList of GP Tool names that are also Arcade functions
// wmx.steps.proGP {
//   allowedList = []
// }

// The following settings can be used to modify security settings

// Uncomment this to modify the allowed cipher suites. Can use same options as ArcGIS Server
//akka.ssl-config.enabledCipherSuites = [
//  ]

// Uncomment this to modify the allowed TLS protocols
//akka.ssl-config.enabledProtocols = [
//  "TLSv1.2",
//  // "TLSv1.1", // Deprecated - only use if absolutely required
//  // "TLSv1" // Deprecated - only use if absolutely required

// Uncomment this to enable CORS
//play.filters.enabled += "play.filters.cors.CORSFilter"
//play.filters.cors {
//  pathPrefixes = ["/workflow"]
//  allowedOrigins = ["https://www.example.com", ...]
//  allowedHttpMethods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]
//  allowedHttpHeaders = ["Accept", "Accept-Language", "Content-Language", "Content-Type"]
//  preflightMaxAge = 1 day

// Uncomment the following lines to configure site to support multi-machine deployments
// play.modules.disabled += "esri.workflow.utils.inject.LocalDataProvider"
// play.modules.enabled += "esri.workflow.utils.inject.DistributedDataProvider"

// This can be used to change the maximum file size for attachments.
// If file sizes larger than 500MB are required, the hosted feature layer for the workflow item will also
// need to be updated in addition to this parameter. See the Workflow Manager documentation for more information.
// play.http.parser.maxDiskBuffer = 500m

// This can be used to change the max allowable POST body size
//play.http.parser.maxMemoryBuffer = 2m