If you're looking for what's new in the latest release of the ArcGIS Earth desktop, see What's new.
ArcGIS Earth 1.18
New enhancements in ArcGIS Earth 1.18 are described below.
- Several updates have been introduced to the workflow of adding OGC WMS layers.
- You can choose to add a layer group including all its sublayers visible or select one or more individual sublayers to add in ArcGIS Earth.
- Support for searching for an individual layer by its name.
- The icons of sublayers in the table of contents are enhanced.
- Support for a new Scene Only option in the Export panel. You can create a printer-friendly document of only the current scene view.
- Support for filter of more layer types in the Add Data panel. More layer types, including Feature Layers, Tile Layers, Map Imagery Layers, Imagery Layers, and Scene Layers, are supported for filter.
- Support for a new option of saving a KML layer as a .kml file, in addition to the existing option of a .kmz file. A .kml file serves as an easier approach of sharing geospatial data, when there is no attached file linked inside.
ArcGIS Earth 1.17
The following are new and improved in ArcGIS Earth 1.17:
- Support for a new data type, mobile geodatabase, has been added.
- Directions and routing are supported.
- A new map layout has been added to improve the cartography experience on the globe.
- Saving feature layers as KMZ is supported.
The following features have been added or improved:
- Directions provide you with a set of turn-by-turn driving or walking paths and show the route on the map. Directions allow you to set different travel modes, add and switch stops, and save the route as a .kmz file to share with others.
- Support for exporting and sharing a current scene on a layout has been added. To share your work as a more informative map,
poster, or image file, you can now make a layout in ArcGIS Earth. A
layout is a composition of the scene, along with supporting
elements such as a north arrow, a scale bar, a legend, descriptive text, and an image.
- Support for a dedicated window with a new user experience of designing your own scene layout.
- Support for general paper page settings, including paper size, orientation, and margins.
- Support for interactive operations with the scene in the layout window during design.
- Support for various types of map elements, including a north arrow, a legend, a scale bar, text, an image, and dynamic text.
- Support for customizing size, style, and position of map elements.
- In the previous version, feature layers could be exported as KMZ through the attribute table. Starting at ArcGIS Earth 1.17, you can save a feature layer as KMZ directly by right-clicking the layer from the table of contents. The Save as button is unavailable if you don't have privileges to export the data.
- Setting the automatic refresh and refresh rate of feature layers is now supported. Access the layer properties and click Refresh to turn automatic refresh on and off and configure the refresh rate accordingly.
The following enhancements have been added:
Several updates have been introduced to the animation for line of sight and viewshed analysis.
- Two new approaches have been introduced to fetch the animation route: type keywords to search from the existing lines or directly capture on the globe.
- The custom 3D model can be added as the animation model.
- Live altitude change along an animation route will be displayed if the route elevation is set as the absolute mode.
- The animation turning effect is now smoother.
Several updates have been introduced to the workflow of adding and editing ground overlay.
- Enhancements were made to the UI design for better user understanding, and button was renamed Convert to Quadrilateral.
- New labels have been added and the interactive highlight effect has been improved on the viewport when in quadrilateral editing mode.
- You can now convert back to bounding box editing from quadrilateral editing by clicking Convert to Bounding Box.
You can now copy KML code text to the clipboard by right-clicking KML data and selecting Copy. You can paste the KML code text to external applications.
ArcGIS Earth 1.16
With the latest ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET 100.15, major improvements were made for the KML drawing and data filter.
- New templates for drawing lines and polygons have been added to support creating predefined shapes.
- Filter is supported to define expressions for determining which features are shown on the map.
ArcGIS Earth 1.16 introduces two important features: drawing templates and filter.
- Various predefined templates are now available for you to draw lines or polygons in free shapes or predefined shapes. Line templates include regular, right angle, and freehand. Polygon templates include regular, circle, rectangle, ellipse, and freehand. Once you enable navigation control in the application settings, the navigator appears in the lower right corner of the viewport. The north compass and home button are also integrated into the navigator with more flexible navigation controls.
- Single expression or expressions combination can now be defined as a filter to determine a desired subset of features shown on the map. For a feature layer that has an original expression associated, the original expression is honored and can be removed in ArcGIS Earth.
The following enhancements have been added:
- A new Select a certificate window has been added. A certificate can now be remembered when being selected in the window for the corresponding portal. It can also be conveniently removed by clicking the Forget Certificate option in the portal context menu.
- A basemap can now be disabled anytime by clicking the No Basemap thumbnail at the end of the basemap gallery.
- Under the Summary tab in the layer properties window, description, data source, and spatial reference are redesigned. First, image, table, and hyperlinks, as well as various HTML formats including paragraph, list, font size, bold, and so on are now honored in the layer description for a portal item or service layer properties. Second, the data path or service URL can now be copied or opened in an external browser with one click. Third, spatial reference information is organized and presented in table format and is more readable.
- New methods are added in Automation drawing API, including Add Drawing, Remove Drawings, and Clear Drawings. With the Automation drawing API, you can add the placemark, path, and polygon in ArcGIS Earth. Clear all graphic is also supported in 1.16.
- The Save as panel is redesigned specifically for KML layers to clarify the Save as process. For an edited KML layer, the Save option in the right-click menu is removed and combined with Save as. The original KML data will not be modified only if you check the Replace the layer in table of contents once exported check box to ensure your edits are saved and automatically added to the table of contents to replace the original layer. On the other hand, unchecking this option will perform the common Save as function.
ArcGIS Earth 1.15
The following are new and improved in ArcGIS Earth 1.15:
- Support for a new data type vector tile has been added.
- A new on-screen navigator has been added to support more flexible navigation on the globe.
- 3D labeling and attribute tables are supported.
The following features have been added or improved:
- Containing vector representations of data across scales, vector tiles adapt to the resolution of their display device and can be restyled. In ArcGIS Earth, you can add a vector tile layer into the My Data folder or Startup layer folder, or set it as the basemap.
- Once you enable navigation control in the application settings, the navigator appears in the lower right corner of the viewport. The north compass and home button are also integrated into the navigator with more flexible navigation controls.
- You can customize the style and visualization of labels on the fly. With the label editing capability, you can set the label position and label style in a 3D global view.
- Multiple KML nodes with the same geometry type can now be edited together. You can also batch edit all the layers stored in a folder.
- An attribute table displays raw data and allows you to sort, select, and export that data.
- A dynamic imagery layer of a mosaic dataset contains a collection of images. When working with these types of imagery layers in ArcGIS Earth, you can modify the image display order and determine how to resolve overlapping areas.
The following enhancements have been added:
- Layer icons in the table of contents can now be customized at two levels: I. per layer/folder type, and II. per layer. ArcGIS Earth 1.13 supports Level I icon customization. ArcGIS Earth 1.14 supports Level II icon customization for two types of layers: operational layer and startup layer. Custom icons set at Level II override Level I, and Level I overrides the ArcGIS Earth default.
- Pop-up size mode can be switched from Fixed to Auto Resizing in the ArcGIS Earth configuration file. When the pop-up size is in Fixed mode, pop-up width and height can be preconfigured and applied for all pop-up windows. When the mode is switched to Auto Resizing, the pop-up size becomes automatically adjusted based on the pop-up content.
- The KML layer transparency can be adjusted in the KML layer Properties panel at the parent node. The transparency setting will take effect for the entire KML layer, including all the children nodes of the KML layer.
- The Elevation Exaggeration user interface has been redesigned to visualize the landscape on the globe. The maximum value is increased to 100 on the scale bar. This maximum value of exaggeration can be configured to 1000 in the ArcGIS Earth configuration file if needed.
- Sign in using a browser is available as an option for signing in to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal. It can also be set as the default option for sign in.
- A new administrator parameter, disableAddPortal, has been added in the ArcGIS Earth configuration file to allow disabling new ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal connections in Portal Manager.
ArcGIS Earth 1.14
Some highlights are as follows:
- Support for new data types—OGC GeoPackage and mobile map package—has been added.
- Image rendering was improved by providing server-side processing templates associated with image services for on-the-fly rendering and powerful visual analysis.
- Freehand drawing was added, allowing you to create lines that follow the movement of your pointer.
The following features have been added or improved:
- New data types include the following:
OGC GeoPackage, an open, standards-based, platform-independent, portable, self-describing, compact format for transferring geospatial information.
Mobile map package (.mmpk), which is a compact data type designed for offline usage. Maps, address locators, and routing networks can be compiled to individual mobile map packages using ArcGIS Pro and can be used across the ArcGIS platform.
- Given that multiple processing templates are predetermined on the server side of an image service, after adding the data, you can switch from one template to another for a different renderer or raster function chain. If available, a preview thumbnail and information about the name, description, and help will be displayed for each processing template.
- Support of freehand mode allows you to create lines and polygons that follow the movement of your pointer. Enable freehand mode by clicking while pressing Alt.
The following enhancements have been added:
- Layer icons in the table of contents can now be customized at two levels: I. per layer/folder type, and II. per layer. ArcGIS Earth 1.13 supports Level I icon customization. ArcGIS Earth 1.14 supports Level II icon customization for two types of layers: operational layer and startup layer. Custom icons set at Level II override Level I, and Level I overrides the ArcGIS Earth default.
- Pop-up size mode can be switched from Fixed to Auto Resizing in the ArcGIS Earth configuration file. When the pop-up size is in Fixed mode, pop-up width and height can be preconfigured and applied for all pop-up windows. When the mode is switched to Auto Resizing, the pop-up size becomes automatically adjusted based on the pop-up content.
- The KML layer transparency can be adjusted in the KML layer Properties panel at the parent node. The transparency setting will take effect for the entire KML layer, including all the children nodes of the KML layer.
- The Elevation Exaggeration user interface has been redesigned to visualize the landscape on the globe. The maximum value is increased to 100 on the scale bar. This maximum value of exaggeration can be configured to 1000 in the ArcGIS Earth configuration file if needed.
- Sign in using a browser is available as an option for signing in to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal. It can also be set as the default option for sign in.
- A new administrator parameter, disableAddPortal, has been added in the ArcGIS Earth configuration file to allow disabling new ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise portal connections in Portal Manager.
ArcGIS Earth 1.13
With the latest ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET 100.11.0, major improvements were made for the config.xml sharing workflow and Configuration Manager UI.
In the last release, ArcGIS Earth 1.12, config.xml distribution was improved across the platforms. Starting with ArcGIS Online 9.1 or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1, an ArcGIS Earth configuration file can be uploaded and hosted as an .xml file. In the ArcGIS Earth 1.13 release, you can share a local configuration file with your organizations as an XML file directly through ArcGIS Earth Configuration Manager.
The following features have been added or improved:
- ArcGIS Earth 1.13 introduces two important features: visibility range and layer icon customization.
- Visibility range is supported for most data types, providing flexibility to set layer visibility at a specified range and get the best view of data at various levels of detail. If the layer has a preset scale, it can be read accurately in ArcGIS Earth.
- Layer icons in the table of contents can now be customized based on each layer type or folder type. With a custom icon file and layer type specified in a per-user JSON file, the ArcGIS Earth default layer icon in the table of contents will be replaced by the customized icon.
The following enhancements have been added:
- ArcGIS Earth 1.13 installed from Microsoft Store is now
equivalent to ArcGIS Earth installed using an executable file in terms of the
- Social logins—You are now able to sign in to ArcGIS Online using your social account credentials, including Google credentials, if the account is associated with your organization.
- Default app for KML, KMZ, or MSPK—ArcGIS Earth can be set as the default app to open a KML, KMZ, or MSPK file. Double-clicking the file icon will start ArcGIS Earth and open the file directly in ArcGIS Earth.
- Undo and redo are now supported for editing KML properties, including colors, styles, labels, views, information, and so on. The maximum undoable value is 100 by default.
- The format of time elements displayed in ArcGIS Earth will match the operating system settings for Short Date and Long Time.
ArcGIS Earth 1.12
Two important features are introduced in ArcGIS Earth 1.12: KML sharing and Config.xml distribution. More connections between ArcGIS Earth, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Online are built through the bridge of ArcGIS Earth:
- A .kml file can be shared as a .kmz file with your organizations if you are signed in and have privileges to share data to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. Additionally, a .kml file can be sent by email and shared as a .kmz file.
- An ArcGIS Earth configuration file is supported to be uploaded and hosted as an .xml file online. You can upload the configuration file to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise and share it with your organization. This provides the administrator with the capability to preset configuration, and easily distribute ArcGIS Earth configuration within the organizations.
The following features have been added or improved:
- A new Configuration Manager section is added in the ArcGIS Earth Advanced Settings, providing administrators with more options and flexibility to take full advantage of a configuration file. You can choose to add a configuration file from either online or local, specify a configuration file during installation, or on an app's settings. See Manage configuration for more details.
- A new Time Span panel has been added in the time slider settings; both feature service and image service are supported for this feature. If your map contains multiple active time-aware datasets, you can view each dataset's time period through the time span panel.
- Four interfaces have been added in this release to help manage the graphics in ArcGIS Earth. You can use graphics to display locations on a map with simple symbols or display a query of another task result.
- Add Graphic
- Get Graphic
- Update Graphic
- Remove Graphic
The following enhancements have been added:
- Elevation offset is now supported for feature layers and scene layers. By applying the proper Elevation Mode and Offset value to the layers, you can view overlapped data more clearly. Note that only Absolute mode is supported for scene layers.
- Apart from exporting bookmarks as a .kmz file, now you can export bookmarks as an image for presentation or exhibition use. Bookmarks can not only capture local data, but also a web map or web scene in this new release. Don't hesitate to try out the enhanced bookmark workflow and bring bookmarks you like to a new format.
ArcGIS Earth 1.11
ArcGIS Earth 1.11 has been migrated from the .NET Framework to .NET Core. On this new platform, several new capabilities have been introduced and overall performance of ArcGIS Earth 1.11 has been optimized. Performance improvements are as follows:
- The symbology workflow has been improved and two new symbol types have been added: Type (Unique Symbol) and Counts and Amounts (Colors).
- Type (Unique Symbol) applies a unique symbol to every feature based on its attribute value. This symbology is used to show different types of data (categorical data).
- Counts and Amounts (Colors) symbology applies graduated colors to features to show a quantitative difference. Data is classified into ranges that are each assigned a different color from a color ramp to represent the range.
- The Bookmarks capability has been redesigned with a better workflow and more functionality.
- ArcGIS Earth Automation API has been upgraded to ASP.NET Core REST API by .NET Generic Host.
- The accessibility of ArcGIS Earth has been enhanced, including a new design for keyboard shortcuts and use of the keyboard to move focus to and away in each tool.

The following features have been added or improved:
- New data types include the following:
- Support for both version 1.0 and 1.1 GPX files for online and offline use
- Support for both GeoJSON files for online and offline use
- Support for Web Feature Service (WFS), which is a dynamic feature service that follows OGC specifications
- Daylight allows you to change how sunlight and shadows affect your scene during different times of the day and year. You can configure the sunlight and shadows effect, including time, date, animation methods, and show shadow.
- Time—Set the start-up time zone, time, and date.
- Animation sunlight and shadows over a year—Animate the daylight as it cycles through the months in a year in the scene.
- Animation sunlight and shadows over a day—Animate the daylight as it cycles through the minutes in a day in the scene.
- Show shadows—Display shadows in the scene.
- Underground mode allows you to navigate data under the ground and adjust the transparency of the ground.
The following enhancements have been made:
- Bookmark editing and management
- Added a bookmarks description editing panel
- Support for adding images and descriptions to bookmarks
- Support for setting the transition effect to bookmarks
- Added a bookmarks tab to manage bookmarks by group
- Support for exporting bookmarks as KML files
- Pop-ups
- Support for pinning the pop-up window to the right corner
- Support for maximizing the pop-up window
- Ability to retain the pop-up status and position
- Table of contents
- Support for resizing the table of contents
- Support for retaining the table of contents' size once it is collapsed
- Automation API
- Support for enabling the Automation API in ArcGIS Earth for users who do not have administrator privileges
ArcGIS Earth 1.10
ArcGIS Earth 1.10 brings a number of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes:
- ArcGIS Earth for mobile (version 1.1) supports adding data from a QR code. You can add web scenes, ArcGIS services, and portal items to the ArcGIS Earth mobile app by scanning a QR code generated from ArcGIS Earth on your desktop.
- ArcGIS Earth supports KML editing workflows, including editing of the feature geometry, graphic styles, and the file structure, and saving as a new KMZ file.
- Added mobile scene packages, point cloud scene layers, and point scene layers as new data types, and enabled access to ArcGIS Living Atlas.
- Support for symbolized feature layers and viewing the layer legend in the table of contents.
The following features have been added or improved:
- KML and KMZ editing
- Support for editing and saving KML and KMZ files
- Edit KML geometry, including vertices, altitude, feature position, and 3D extrusion.
- Edit layer properties, including pop-up information, fly-to view, refresh rate, and feature styles.
- Edit KML documents, including file structures, and cut, copy, paste, and add new features to an existing KML folder.
- Support for saving KML edits or saving as a new KMZ file.
- Support for saving a copy of edited KML files on exit.
- Support for adding, editing, and saving KML screen overlays
- Support for adding, editing, and saving KML ground overlays
- Support for adding, editing, and saving KML network links
- Enhancements to KML error message display
- Display the exact error message for KML schema errors and XML language errors.
- Locate the error line for XML language errors.
- Support for editing and saving KML and KMZ files
- New data types
- Support for mobile scene packages for online and offline usage.
- Added ArcGIS Living Atlas as a separate category for adding data and filtering Living Atlas contents.
- Support for point cloud and 3D point scene layers.
- Visualization
- Symbolize feature layers with the Single Symbol and Dictionary methods:
- Support for importing mobile styles and dictionary styles (five military symbol specifications from Esri styles).
- Support for extruding features to 3D symbology.
- Display a layer legend in the table of contents.
- Symbolize feature layers with the Single Symbol and Dictionary methods:
- Collaboration
- Generate a QR code for web scenes, ArcGIS services, and portal items to collaborate with ArcGIS Earth on mobile devices.
The following enhancements have been made:
- Enhanced geometry editing workflow
- Added an editor toolbox.
- Added the XYZ axis for 3D editing.
- Support for adding new vertices to the existing drawing element.
- Support for specifying XYZ for a selected vertex.
- Enhancements for administering configurations
- Support for specifying mobile scene packages, web scenes, WMS sublayers, point cloud scene layers, and 3D point scene layers as startup layers.
- Skip the URL check at startup.
- Configure hyperlink and text display on the user interface for dictionary symbology.
- Usability enhancements
- Display web styles for feature layers.
- Added text box for slider control.
- Usability improvements for animated interactive analysis.
- UI indicator when selecting a basemap group.
- Loading animation.
- Autosave edits in the workspace.
- Performance improvements
- Improved rendering performance for point feature layers and raster layers.
- Improved loading performance for integrated mesh scene layers.
ArcGIS Earth 1.9
ArcGIS Earth 1.9 is localized and available for Japanese, Polish, and Russian.
In this release, major enhancements were made for KML and KMZ support, including the following:
- Manual refresh of the KML file that includes network links
- Adjust refresh settings for KML network links
- Displays hyperlink and snippet in the table of contents
- Pop-up window usability enhancements
ArcGIS Earth 1.9 added the following new capabilities:
- Localization for Japanese, Polish, and Russian
- Support to manual refresh of a KML file that includes network links
- Allows time-based refresh settings and view-based refresh settings for KML network links
- Support to display hyperlink and snippet in the table of contents for KML/KMZ file
- Support 3D navigation device
- Added MrSID format for raster
ArcGIS Earth 1.9 included the following enhancements:
- Improved usability for the pop-up window, including the following:
- Allows you to maximize and restore the pop-up window
- Displays customized pop-up content configured for a portal item
- Displays pop-up window while playing a KML tour
- Support to adjust transparency for a KML layer
- Support to automatically save workspace
- Support to identify feature collection
- Added indicator while data is still loading or rendering
- Enhanced login process with PKI authentication, especially via Oracle Access Management Servers
- Support to add a WMTS layer with a custom tilling schema
- Support group layer for web scene
- Support to search addresses with a custom locator
- Support to handle different decimal separators when importing a CSV/TXT file
- Enhanced highlight effect for selection
ArcGIS Earth 1.8
ArcGIS Earth on Android and iOS (beta)
The beta version of ArcGIS Earth is released. You can download the Android version from Google Play, and download the iOS version from TestFlight.
The mobile version of ArcGIS Earth is optimized for a lightweight experience and allows users to quickly browsing 2D and 3D content in both offline and online modes. It provides the following capabilities:
- Connect to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise
- Browse 2D and 3D content
- Collect and share information in the field
- Measure or perform interactive 3D analysis
Specifically, the beta release includes the following updates:
- ArcGIS Earth is available on iOS platform
- Supported KML and KMZ
- Support to sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise
- Support to identify features
- Support to take pictures when creating a tour
- Support to remember last state
- Removed the first-angled camera view
Interactive analysis in 3D
ArcGIS Earth1.8 introduces the following 3D analysis capabilities:
- Elevation profile—Create a profile graph to visualize elevation change over a continuous distance.
- Line of sight—Perform interactive line of sight analysis from point or camera, and play animations.
- Viewshed—Perform interactive viewshed analysis from point or camera, and play animations.
- 3D measure—Measure horizontal, direct, and vertical distance between two points in 3D.
ArcGIS Earth 1.8 includes the following new capabilities:
- Support to perform interactive analysis including elevation profile, line of sight analysis and viewshed analysis
- Support to merge web scene and web map layers to ArcGIS Earth
- Support to measure distances in 3D
- Published ArcGIS Earth to the Microsoft Store
- Added bookmarks so you can save a specific location and refer to it later
- Added explore mode to explore an area of interest with predefined flight paths
- Support to add layer by entering its portal item URL
- Support feature collection
ArcGIS Earth 1.8 includes the following enhancements:
- Improved support for drawing
- Select and edit properties from a scene
- Added measurement information for drawing lines and polygons
- Added segment distances information for drawing lines
- Create an elevation profile for drawing lines from the table of contents
- Improved support for measuring
- Display the segment distances along the line
- Create an elevation profile for a measured line or path
- Improved support for geosearch
- List available locators configured in the connected portal
- Added the XY Provider option to locate x,y coordinates
- Save search result as a placemark in the table of contents
- Specify a customized startup view
- Identify scene layers
- Add TPK with LERC compression tilling scheme as a terrain surface
- Added a Clear Workspace function
- View item details for basemap and terrain layers
- Automation API updates, see API release notes for details.
ArcGIS Earth 1.7
ArcGIS Earth 1.7 has been updated to ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET 100.2.1.
With the latest ArcGIS Runtime SDK, ArcGIS Earth 1.7 includes enriched capabilities and optimized performance. Major performance improvements are as follows:
- Improved UI responsiveness when loading content and navigating
- Improved dynamic 3D visualization experience for feature layers
- Enhanced label rendering in multiple languages
- Support for billboarded symbols
- Improved rendering performance for graphic layers, that is, KML, KMZ, and drawing elements
- Enhanced support for transparency on feature layers
- Reduced memory usage when viewing tiled layers and scene layers
- Improved display of tile layers across the scene
ArcGIS Earth 1.7 added the following new feature capabilities:
- Onboarding experience for first-time users
- Identify metadata and attribute information for image service, map service, and WMS service
- Reload disconnected data in the table of contents
- Dump file mechanism
The following enhancements were made to ArcGIS Earth:
- Improved support for OGC WMS and WMTS services
- Get layer capabilities when adding OGC WMS
- Get feature information of OGC WMS
- Add WMS and WMTS from ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise portals
- Support additional raster file formats
- High Resolution Elevation (HRE) raster format
- JPEG 2000 format with .j2c and .jpx extensions
- NITF format with the .nsf extension
- The Zoom to layer, Expand all, and Collapse all context menu operations for KML sublayers were added
- Brightness, contrast, and gamma appearance settings for ArcGIS dynamic map services are supported
- Import and add online images as a placemark icon or pop-up content of the drawing element
- Display dynamic copyright information
- Preview metadata of the listed portal items from the Add data pane
- The loading experience for CSV and TXT data was improved
In addition, the following functional updates were made:
- My drawings is now a separate folder in the table of contents.
- ArcGIS Earth Automation API has been updated to adopt an asynchronous approach for the GetSnapshot method. System.Drawing.Bitmap GetSnapshot()was changed to Task<System.Drawing.Bitmap> GetSnapshotAsync().
- Services refuse any HTTP request that has a Referer header, and a failure to access data will occur. You need to add an exception to the service configuration to allow requests with Referer set to http://arcgisearth.app/.
ArcGIS Earth 1.6.1
Issue addressed
The following issue that caused regression on ArcGIS Earth 1.6 has been fixed:
- Fixed the visibility control bug for KML and KMZ files in the table of contents
ArcGIS Earth 1.6
- Supports 3D model
- Supports local raster
- Supports ArcGIS Earth Automation API
- Ability to control camera navigation and fly animations, including getting camera information and setting camera position
- Ability to control data operations, including adding data and deleting layers from the workspace
- Ability to take a snapshot of the view
- Ability to geocode against ArcGIS Online
- Ability to organize startup layers into groups
- Updated pop-up editor for drawing elements
- Ability to block ArcGIS Online requests at ArcGIS Earth startup
- Improved CSV and TXT file import workflow
- Ability to select multiple fields or a single field for batch geocoding
- Ability to rematch failed geocoding address items
- UI improvement
- Improved support of pop-up contents configuration for CSV and TXT files
- Improved color picker for drawing elements, CSV and TXT files, and shapefiles
- Added more default icons for drawing points, CSV and TXT files, and point shapefiles
- Supports authenticated links for positionServiceUrl in the administrator configuration file
ArcGIS Earth 1.5
- Ability to save a measurement to the drawing element
- Measurement information saved as pop-up descriptions of the drawing element
- Ability to use customized KML icons
- Ability to set ArcGIS Earth as the default KML viewer from the configuration file
- Improved keyboard shortcut capability
- Improved PKI authentication data accessibility
- Improved IWA secured portal login workflow
- Improved ArcGIS Online enterprise log in capability
- Improved pop-up window display
- Improved support of a map service with tile information
- Improved support of geosearch with a configured geocoder in a portal
- Added support to open menu context of startup layers
- Improved overall performance in a disconnected environment
- Standardized error log report format
ArcGIS Earth 1.4
- Updated the portal connection workflow
- Ability to add, edit, and remove portal connections
- Ability to add multiple portal URLs from the configuration file
- Ability to switch the active portal
- Added the option to remember portal credentials
- Redesigned the drawing workflow and added new functions on drawing elements
- Continuous drawing
- Ability to add a custom icon for a point
- Ability to set fly-to view
- Ability to set altitude mode
- Ability to add pop-up descriptions
- Ability to customize the text font for drawing labels
- Ability to edit a drawing element
- Ability to save an individual drawing element and drawing folder as KMZ files
- Map tour support
- Ability to open pop-up information from an external browser
- Ability to search table of contents
- Ability to identify imagery copyrights from the interface
- Added an error log report
- Improved support of SLPK
- Associated data accessibility with portal connection status
- Ability to import a preset configuration file during installation
- Improved pop-up window display
- Improved R key behavior
- Improved keyboard shortcut capability
ArcGIS Earth 1.3
- Added on-canvas 3D effects, including atmosphere control and elevation exaggeration
- Added features to the administrator configuration file
- Ability to set organizational basemap and terrain
- Ability to set banner with custom text for on-canvas display
- Ability to set up workspace directory
- Ability to set up workspace directory in settings
- Added help documentation in the installation directory
- Ability to flip latitude and longitude
- Ability to turn on and off auto zoom to new layer
- Ability to configure image service properties, including brightness, contrast, and gamma
- Improved the CSV/TXT preview panel
- Changed drop-down box style
- Improved geosearch UI and functionality
- Shows actual representative icon of drawing elements in table of contents
- Improved pointer behavior in measurement
- Supports UTM in feet and meters
- Enhanced table of contents behaviors
- Ability to use keyboard to change the slider value
- Added .slpk to Add data and removed .tfw from Add new terrain
- Added an indicator when loading data
ArcGIS Earth 1.2.1
- Supports GCS-WGS84 terrain 3D image service with different tiling schemes
- WGS84 with 512x512 tiles
- Web Mercator with 256x256 tiles
ArcGIS Earth 1.2
- Supports tile packages
- Supports scene layer packages
- Supports local elevation raster data
- Ability to use local data for basemap and terrain
- Improved workflow in disconnected environment (icons, error messages, reorder, remove, restart)
- Added indicator of network link status
- Added import and export a workspace directory functionality
- Added save drawing elements and CSV and TXT data as KMZ functionality
- Changed units in settings and measurement (DD, DMS, UTM, MGRS)
- Added altitude for point measurement
- Ability to identify multiple features in one location
- Enhanced table of contents behaviors (delete, collapse, right-click, keyboard control, layer properties)
- Supports WMS in startup layers
- Improved PKI/IWA authentication workflow
- Improved symbols for point SHP and CSV and TXT files
- Ability to configure About content
- Included input history in the drop-down list
ArcGIS Earth 1.1
- Supports WMS
- Supports WMTS
- Supports time slider for KML data
- Supports CSV files (sign-in can use batch geocoder)
- Supports WGS84
- Ability to set auto save workspace
- Ability to change navigation speed, mouse wheel speed, and mouse zoom direction
- Ability to change continuous panning
- Ability to set up portal URLs in the configuration file
ArcGIS Earth 1.0
- Ability to configure startup layers in the configuration file
- Added About section
- Supports atmosphere effect control
- Sets up proxy server
- Enhanced table of contents behavior (add new group, and delete layers in menu context)
- Ability to change the symbol color and size of a shapefile