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Краткая информация

Визуализирует информацию о направлении и величине потока в растре с помощью векторных символов.


Указанный набор растровых данных является временным для растрового объекта. Чтобы сделать его постоянным, вы можете вызвать метод растрового объекта save.


VectorFieldRenderer (raster, {is_uv_components}, {reference_system}, {mass_flow_angle_representation}, {calculation_method}, {symbology_name})
ПараметрОписаниеТип данных

The input raster.


Specifies whether the input components represent U-V, or magnitude and direction.

  • TrueThe input data represents U-V components.
  • FalseThe input data represents magnitude and direction components. This is the default.

(Значение по умолчанию — None)


Specifies how the direction component is measured.

  • 1Direction is measured in arithmetic coordinates. 0° points due east, and 90° points due north.
  • 2Direction is measured in geographic coordinates. 0° points due north, and 90° points due east.

(Значение по умолчанию — 2)


Specifies the angle of mass flow.

  • 0From—The mass is flowing along the angle and moving toward the origin of the reference system. This is sometimes referred to as the meteorological convention.
  • 1To—The mass is flowing along the angle and moving away from the origin of the reference system. This is sometimes referred to as the oceanographic convention.

(Значение по умолчанию — From)


Specifies the thinning method to be used to calculate the magnitude and direction value of a tile.

  • Vector AverageThe following calculation occurs for each pixel: convert direction and magnitude to U and V components, calculate the averages of U and V for all pixels in a tile, and then convert the average U and average V back to direction and magnitude.
  • Nearest neighborUses the value from the pixels closest to the center of the tile.
  • BilinearBilinear resampling will be performed on the tile.
  • CubicCubic convolution resampling will be performed on the tile.
  • MinimumThe minimum pixel value of the tile.
  • MaximumThe maximum pixel value of the tile.

(Значение по умолчанию — Vector Average)


Specifies the name of the symbol depicting direction and magnitude.

  • Single ArrowA single arrow depicting direction and magnitude.
  • Wind BarbWind barbs indicating wind direction and magnitude.
  • Ocean CurrentOcean current symbol indicating current and magnitude.

(Значение по умолчанию — Single Arrow)

Возвращаемое значение
Тип данныхОписание

Выходной растр показывается в соответствии с вашими параметрами отображения.