Share a survey

With integrated support for Survey123, core team members can generate feedback on specific content, goals, and topics by creating surveys and sharing them on their initiative site.

They can also share surveys privately to gain targeted feedback from specific groups. For example, you can share a survey specifically with people who've followed your initiative's call-to-action or to request follow-up comments from event attendees.


After analyzing survey results, core teams can display charts and other data visualization tools on the initiative site show how response data impacted decision-making.

Where can I create and share surveys?

You can create a survey in ArcGIS Hub and share it in the following ways:

  • Display the survey on a site or initiative site using the gallery card or survey card.
  • Share a link in a message to initiative followers.
  • Add a survey link to an event's details.
  • Link to a survey in your site's or initiative site's header using a menu link.
  • Add a button to your site or initiative site that provides access to the survey.

How surveys work in ArcGIS Hub

ArcGIS Hub integrates with ArcGIS Survey123, an ArcGIS Online application that enables you to edit and produce surveys. When you create a new survey, you are creating the following:

  1. A feature service—A place behind the scenes that appends data related to the survey, including all of its questions and answers. The features service has the ability to modify itself as new questions and answers are added to the fieldworker view. It is always shared privately (with the survey's owner). Otherwise, anyone could access the survey and make changes to it.
  2. A fieldworker view—Because a feature service must be shared privately, a view called the fieldworker view is created. This view enables the owner to edit and share the survey as needed.
  3. A form—The visual display of the fieldworker view. This is the part of the survey that people use to view the survey and submit results. The form will always reflect the feature service.

The optional stakeholder view is based on the fieldworker view and enables a survey owner to share all survey results or individual survey results with others. The stakeholder view mirrors the fieldworker view. Therefore, it cannot be edited by anyone except for the survey owner, even if the survey is shared with a site's or initiative's core team.

Who can create surveys

Anyone who has an ArcGIS Online organizational account and has at least the following General Privileges assigned to their user role can create a survey:

  • ContentCreate, update, and delete, Publish hosted feature layers
  • SharingShare with groups
  • FeaturesEdit

For more information, see Configure roles and privileges for ArcGIS Hub.


Accounts that have been configured for initiative creators and core team members should already have these privileges.

Create a survey

To get started, create a survey by following these steps.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Hub.
  2. On Overview, click New to create a new initiative or click Manage to open an existing initiative.
  3. Click the initiative dropdown menu and click Feedback to view a list of survey's shared to that site or initiative.
  4. If the initiative doesn't have any surveys yet, you can click Create a Survey or click the New button in the edit navigation bar and choose Feedback.
  5. On the Create a Survey page, provide the following details:
    • Survey Thumbnail—An optional image that appears next to the survey's title on the Feedback list, on the form item's (the survey) details page in ArcGIS Online, and when using the gallery or survey card.
    • Name—The survey's name will identify the item in the Feedback list and in ArcGIS Online.
    • Description—A summary of the survey that appears at the top of the form, on the form item's details page, and when displaying a survey with the gallery or survey card.
    • Tags—A way to organize items in ArcGIS Online and to make the form item more discoverable in your site's or initiative's search results. By default, two tags are automatically added: the survey's initiative name and Hub Survey. You can remove these tags if needed.
  6. Once you've filled out the required fields, click Next. The following items will be created in ArcGIS Online.
    • A form that is shared to the site's or initiative's core team and content group.
    • A feature service that is shared to the core team.
    • A fieldworker view that is shared to the core team and content group.
    • If a stakeholder view is created, it is shared to the core team and content group.

    While each of these items are shared to the core team, only the owner is able to edit them. Future enhancements to survey sharing may allow core team members to be able to edit surveys.

Edit a survey

The survey's owner can make changes to the survey (form item) by adding or removing questions and customizing its appearance.

  1. Open a site or initiative site in edit mode.
  2. Click the initiative dropdown menu and click Feedback.
  3. Choose the survey from the site's or initiative's list of surveys.
  4. Click the survey's dropdown menu and click Design.

Add and remove questions

Follow these steps to add or remove questions.

  1. On the survey's layout editor, click the Add (+) button to view the types of questions that you can add to a survey.
  2. Drag and drop a question type onto the layout to add it to the survey.
  3. To edit a question, click on it to modify fields, such as labels and values. Options to edit these fields are provided to the right of the page.
  4. To remove or duplicate a question, click on it and choose either the delete button or duplicate button in the lower right corner of the question.

Modify survey appearance

Core team members and the survey's owner can change the appearance of a survey to give it a new look or to match their organization's branding by clicking Design on the survey's dropdown menu in the site editor.

When a new survey is created, it will automatically adopt the same theme as the initiative site.

  • The site's background color sets the survey's background color and background text color.
  • The site's button color sets the survey's component color.
  • The site's body background color is the survey's background color.

Future edits made to the site's theme will not reflect in the survey.

See Styles and customization for details on survey appearance, HTML formatting, and thank you screens.

Publish a survey

A new survey is saved as a draft. This means that the survey is not open to submissions until it has been published. While saved as a draft, only the survey owner can modify the survey's questions and appearance.

To publish a survey, follow these steps:

  1. On the survey's layout editor, click Publish.
  2. Confirm that you want to publish the survey by clicking Publish after the schema message.

    After the survey is published, instructions for creating a stakeholder view will appear. By following these instructions, you can share the survey's results with members of the core team:

    1. In the survey's menu, select Collaborate.

    2. Select Viewer on the side navigation displayed on the page.

    3. Under Who can view results of this survey? ensure Following groups is selected.

    4. In the list, find initiative name.

    5. Select Save at the bottom of the page.

    You can also view these instructions when editing the survey by clicking Share Results in the edit navigation bar.

  3. After publishing a survey, you can adjust how the survey is shared.

Adjust sharing controls

When you share a survey, you're sharing the survey's form. The form enables people to submit answers.

  1. Open a site or initiative site in edit mode.
  2. Click the site or initiative dropdown menu and click Feedback.
  3. Choose the survey from the site's or initiative's list of surveys.
  4. Click the survey's dropdown menu and select Collaborate.
  5. Under Who can submit to this survey?, click the checkbox for Everyone (Public).
  6. Anotação:
    If you want to share a survey privately with a select group, you can create a supporting team and share the survey's stakeholder view with that group.

Get the link for a survey

Every survey has a URL that enables you to share your site on social media, events, and messages. You can also use this link when configuring a menu link or button on a site or initiative site.

  1. Open the site or initiative site in edit mode.
  2. Click the site or initiative dropdown menu and click Feedback.
  3. Choose the survey from the list.
  4. Click the survey's dropdown menu and select Collaborate.
  5. Under Share this survey, choose to copy the survey's link, download its QR code, or open it in a new tab.

Display a survey on a site

To display a survey on a site, follow these steps.

  1. Open a site or initiative site in edit mode.
  2. On the Customize panel, choose the Survey card and add it to the site's layout.
  3. Click Select Survey to chose from existing surveys or click Create Survey.
  4. Select a survey by filtering the list by My Content, Current Initiative, My Organization, or World (Public).
  5. Click Select when you find the survey you want to use.

    You can edit or remove your selection at anytime by clicking the settings button on the survey selection.

  6. In the Appearance menu, click to toggle on or off Show Thumbnail. To add or modify a survey's thumbnail, follow steps provided in Create a survey.
  7. In the Options menu, you can edit the survey's call to action by entering a new phrase or prompt in the Button Text field.
  8. Click Save to confirm your changes.

Evaluate survey results

The survey owner and people with whom a stakeholder view has been shared can follow these steps to view data about a survey's responses.

  1. Open a site or initiative site in edit mode.
  2. Click the site or initiative dropdown menu and click Feedback.
  3. Choose the survey from the site's or initiative's list of surveys.
  4. Click the survey's dropdown menu and select from the following:
    • Collaborate—A high-level aggregate of survey data.
    • Analyze—Data aggregation per question.
    • Data—Raw survey data.

    If the survey has a stakeholder view that's shared with the core team, core team members can view the Overview, Analyze, and Data pages only.

Display survey results on a site or page

Using the chart card, you can add survey results to a site or page to provide transparency on how feedback has impacted a decision or project.

  1. Open a site or initiative site in edit mode.
  2. On the Customize panel, choose the Chart card and add it to the site's layout.
  3. Select a Chart Type.
  4. On the Data menu, click Find an item.

    Only choose survey data that are available as stakeholder views (survey-name_stakholder).

  5. Under Layers and Tables, click surveyPoint (Point).
  6. Click Select.
  7. On the Customize panel, select a category attribute under Choose Category Attribute to define the chart's x-axis. Define the y-axis under Choose Value Attribute.

For more information on configuring the chart card and to display survey results in other ways, see Insert charts, tables, and metrics.