Install 2023 U.S. data

Disponível com licença do Business Analyst.

ArcGIS Business Analyst relies on a selected dataset to provide demographic variables, segmentation distributions, network routes, and all other data components used in tools and workflows. The Business Analyst dataset can be accessed through your ArcGIS organization or a locally installed dataset. When you install the Business Analyst dataset, you first copy the necessary files to your local device.


The 2023 dataset can be used with any version of Business Analyst that is in general availability or mature support. Refer to the Business Analyst Life Cycle to view the version availability matrix.

To set up the 2023 Business Analyst dataset for use in Business Analyst, you must download and extract the files, install the dataset and compatibility pack, and apply the data license.

Files and requirements

Before installing the data, close all applications on your computer and verify that your computer meets the system requirements.

The 7-Zip open source program is required to extract and automatically reassemble the Business Analyst data files. You must install 7-Zip to extract the necessary files from the downloads. If you already have 7-Zip installed, it is recommended that you install the latest version to ensure a more efficient extraction process. You can download 7-Zip from the official site:

A total of nine files are downloaded, totaling 81.5 GB. Once downloaded, extracting the files results in another 81.5 GB of files, totaling 163 GB. Installing the extracted files then uses an additional 81.5 GB of space, as the files are copied. In total, you need 244.5 GB of free space on the drive you are using. Once installed, you can delete the 7-Zip files and install directories to free up space.

The following 7-Zip files are needed:

  • U.S. 2023 Dataset

    • ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update.7z.001
    • ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update.7z.002
    • ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update.7z.003
    • ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update.7z.004
    • ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update.7z.005

  • Compatibility Pack

    • ArcMap_ESRI_BA_2023_Compatibility_Pack.7z.001
    • ArcMap_ ESRI_BA_2023_Compatibility_Pack.7z.002
    • ArcMap_ ESRI_BA_2023_Compatibility_Pack.7z.003
    • ArcMap_ ESRI_BA_2023_Compatibility_Pack.7z.004

Download and install the Business Analyst dataset

You can download and install the U.S. 2023 Business Analyst dataset from My Esri or from a USB media device. To download the dataset from My Esri, complete the following steps:

  1. On the My Esri site, click My Organizations and click Downloads.
  2. In the Products section, under the All Other Products, type Business Analyst in the Quick Search text box.

    A list of Business Analyst data products is shown.

  3. Find U.S. Data for use with ArcGIS Business Analyst Desktop and click View Downloads.
  4. On the Download Components tab, click Data and Content to expand the list of files.

    For the 2023 U.S. data, there are five files. Each must be downloaded to a folder on your local drive.

  5. Beside the first data file, ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro (or ArcMap) 2023 Data (U.S.) #1, click Download.

    The Download Manager window is launched.

  6. Click Click to download your file now.


    Depending on your browser, you may be prompted to select a location where you want the file downloaded.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the remaining four data files.
  8. Beside the first compatibility pack file, ArcGIS Business Analyst ArcMap 2023 Compatibility Pack (U.S.) #1, click Download.

    The Download Manager window is launched.

  9. Click Click to download your file now.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the remaining three compatibility pack files.
  11. Right-click ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update.7z.001 and click 7-Zip > Extract Here.

    All files in the set are extracted when the process is initiated on the first file.


    You can verify that your downloaded files match the originals at the source by following the instructions in Verify an Esri download using the checksum. Matching your downloaded files to the originals ensures all files downloaded correctly, preventing potential issues.

  12. Right-click ArcMap_ESRI_BA_2023_Compatibility_Pack.7z.001 and click 7-Zip > Extract Here.

    Two install directories are created after all files are extracted:

    • ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update
    • ArcMap_ESRI_BA_2023_Compatibility_Pack

  13. Run the setup installer from the ESRI_BA_2023_US_Data_Update folder to install the data components. As you click through the install process, choose one of the two installation options:
    • Typical—This is the default installation, which automatically loads Business Analyst data components to your local hard drive to a default location, C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2023\Data
    • Custom—Use the custom option if you have limited drive space on the local hard drive. This option allows you to select which data components to install and where you want to install them. You can also choose to not install any data components and run Business Analyst from the USB media or from a network location.

    The installed dataset contains the following components:

    • Demographic data
    • Businesses data
    • ArcGIS StreetMap Premium
    • Geocoding data for ArcGIS Pro

  14. Run the setup installer from the ESRI_BA_2023_Compatibility_Pack folder to install the data components. As you click through the install process, choose one of the two installation options:
    • Typical—This is the default installation, which automatically loads Business Analyst data components to your local hard drive to a default location, C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2023\Data
    • Custom—Use the custom option if you have limited drive space on the local hard drive. This option allows you to select which data components to install and where you want to install them. You can also choose to not install any data components and run Business Analyst from the USB media or from a network location.

    The compatibility pack contains the following components:

    • Legacy Geocoding Data
    • Streets Data
    • Legacy ZIP4 Geocoding Data

  15. Download the SDLIC license and double-click it to initiate the installation process.

Authorize ArcGIS StreetMap Premium license

The Business Analyst dataset includes a limited license for ArcGIS StreetMap Premium for North America, which includes locators for ArcGIS Pro, the StreetMap Premium street network for the U.S., and the StreetMap Premium basemap, which can be used exclusively with Business Analyst workflows. The license included with the Business Analyst dataset does not include all features of StreetMap Premium.


Using the StreetMap Premium locators, street network, and basemap that are included with the 2023 U.S. data outside of Business Analyst workflows violates the terms of use.

Authorization files are provided on My Esri to enable the StreetMap Premium items. To enable your StreetMap Premium authorization files, perform the following steps:


StreetMap Premium appears in your My Esri downloads list to enable the authorizations. You do not need to download these files—all required geocoding files are included in the 2023 U.S. data.

  1. On the My Esri site, click My Organizations and click Licensing.
  2. In the Quick Search text box, type StreetMap Premium or streetmap.
  3. Look for StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS Pro and click Details.

    A list of authorization files appears.

  4. Apply the authorizations with the licensing process.