import arcpy
import os
# All input data is in country.gdb and output will also go to this gdb
arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "country.gdb")
in_links_feats = "link_features"
out_link_table = "output_table"
# Transformation method
method = "SIMILARITY"
result = arcpy.edit.CalculateTransformationErrors(in_links_feats, out_link_table, method)
# Get the transformation error
error = float(result.getOutput(1))
# If error is less than 12.234, run Transform Features
if error < 20.0:
# Make a copy of the input features, "in_links_copy")
arcpy.edit.TransformFeatures("in_links_copy", in_links_feats, method, "out_link_table")
print("Transformation error {} is too high".format(error))