Spatial Analyst のライセンスで利用可能。
Defines the relationship between the vertical cost factor and the vertical relative moving angle through a secant function.

This object is used in the Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation Spatial Analyst tools, as well as the Path Distance, Path Distance Allocation, and Path Distance Back Link Legacy Distance tools.
The vertical factor (VF) object defines the relationship between the vertical cost factor and the vertical relative moving angle (VRMA).
VF defines the vertical difficulty encountered in moving from one cell to the next.
VRMA identifies the slope angle between the FROM or processing cell and the TO cell.
The VF is determined by the secant function of the VRMA.
VfSec ({lowCutAngle}, {highCutAngle}, {secPower})
パラメーター | 説明 | データ タイプ |
lowCutAngle | The VRMA degree defining the lower threshold, below which (less than) the VFs are set to infinity. (デフォルト値は次のとおりです -90.0) | Double |
highCutAngle | The VRMA degree defining the upper threshold, beyond which (larger than) the VFs are set to infinity. (デフォルト値は次のとおりです 90.0) | Double |
secPower |
The power to which the values in the secant VRMA function will be raised. The VF is determined by:
(デフォルト値は次のとおりです 1.0) | Double |
プロパティ | 説明 | データ タイプ |
lowCutAngle (読み書き) | The VRMA degree defining the lower threshold, below which (less than) the VFs are set to infinity. | Double |
highCutAngle (読み書き) | The VRMA degree defining the upper threshold, beyond which (larger than) the VFs are set to infinity. | Double |
secPower (読み書き) | The power to which the values in the secant VRMA function will be raised. The VF is determined by:
| Double |
Demonstrates how to create a VfSec class and use it in the DistanceAccumulation tool within the Python window.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"
myVerticalFactor = VfSec(-90, 90, 1)
outDistAccum = DistanceAccumulation("Source.shp", "", "elev.tif",
"cost.tif", "elev.tif",
Performs a DistanceAccumulation analysis using the VfSec class.
# Name:
# Description: Uses the VfSec object to execute the PathDistance tool
# Requirements: Spatial Analyst Extension
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/sapyexamples/data"
# Set local variables
inSourceData = "source.shp"
inCostRaster = "costraster"
# Create the VfSec Object
lowCutAngle = -90
highCutAngle = 90
secPower = 1
myVerticalFactor = VfSec(lowCutAngle, highCutAngle, secPower)
# Execute PathDistance
outPathDist = PathDistance(inSourceData, inCostRaster, "", "", "", "",
# Save the output"C:/sapyexamples/output/pathdistvfs2")