Publishing a network utility service

Enterprise 10.9 (Windows)   |

Disponible avec une licence Business Analyst.

The Publish Routing Services utility allows you to publish directions, routing, and logistics services based on a network dataset to your ArcGIS Server. These services are similar to the routing services available with ArcGIS Online, but are published on-premises based on your own street network dataset.

Once published, the services can be used with Business Analyst Enterprise for creating study areas based on driving and walking times and distances.

Licence :

To use this utility, your ArcGIS Server site needs to have an ArcGIS Network Analyst extension license.

Data requirements

A street network dataset for the USA is provided for Business Analyst Enterprise users in file geodatabase format (. gdb file). Before using the .gdb file, you must install the Business Analyst data license (. sdlic ), which is emailed at the time of purchase or data update. You can review the license information in ArcGIS Pro to verify that the *. sdlic license file is enabled. Once enabled, the publish routing services utility can be used to publish services from the .gdb file.

If the publisher machine and the GeoEnrichment Server machine are the same (If ArcGIS Pro is installed on the server), you can authorize the data with Pro. If ArcGIS Pro is not installed on the server, you can use the DataLicInstall utility:

  1. Open a Windows Command Prompt instance (cmd), as an administrator, on a machine with ArcGIS Server installed.
  2. Right click on CMD > run as an administrator.
  3. Change directory to the ArcGIS Server Program Files bin directory.

    cd C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\bin
    The command line appears as follows:
    C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\bin>

  4. Type in the following:
    DataLicInstall.exe C:\FolderName\<nameOfLicenseFile>.sdlic
  5. Press Enter to install the license.
  6. After the license file successfully installs, restart the ArcGIS Server Windows service for the changes to take effect.

Remarque :

All data needed for street address geocoding and network analysis are included with the 2022 US Data for Business Analyst on My Esri.

ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product downloads for Pro and Enterprise may appear in your My Esri list. These files are not needed and should not be downloaded. Please follow the steps for downloading the street data below.

Downloading the street network data

  1. On the My Esri site, click My Organizations then click Downloads.
  2. Verify that you are in the Products section. In the Quick Search text box, enter Business Analyst or Business.
  3. Look for ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise with 2022 U.S. Data and ensure the version is 10.9.1. Click View Downloads.

    There will be two downloads for the street data, both will need to be downloaded on a folder to your local drive.

  4. Click the Download Components tab then click Data and Content to expand the list of files.
  5. Locate #1 ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise 2022 Street Data (U.S.A) and click Download.
  6. In the Esri Download Manager dialog, click Click to download your file now.
  7. Locate #2 ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise 2022 Street Data (U.S.A) and click Download.
  8. Locate #3 ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise 2022 Street Data (U.S.A) and click Download.
  9. The Destination Folder for Files dialog will appear. Keep the default location or click Browse to choose a different location.
  10. Right click on ArcGIS_BAEnterprise_StreetsData_USA_2022.7z (1).001 and click 7-Zip > Extract Here.

    Remarque :
    You will only need to extract from the first compressed file (ArcGIS_BAEnterprise_StreetsData_USA_2022.7z (1).001). The extraction process automatically extracts and reassembles Files 001, 002, and 003 to create the full 2022 U.S. data pack. Do not attempt to extract File 002 or 003.

Conseil :
While you can keep the network dataset in a shared location that is accessible to all the machines in your GIS server site, it is recommended to copy the network dataset locally, on each machine, for best performance when running the services.


The following parameters are available when running the publishroutingservices.bat script:



Nom d’utilisateur d’un utilisateur doté de privilèges d’éditeur ou d’administrateur sur le site ArcGIS Server. Si le site est fédéré avec un portail, l’utilisateur doit être un utilisateur du portail et peut disposer d’un privilège d’administrateur ou d’un privilège d’éditeur permettant de publier des outils web et des couches basées sur un serveur. Si le site n’est pas fédéré, l’utilisateur doit disposer de privilèges d’administrateur. Si votre site est configuré avec l’authentification au niveau du web, spécifiez un utilisateur intégré, tel que le compte d’administrateur de site principal ou le compte d’administrateur initial sur votre portail.


The password of the user who was specified with the -u parameter.


Le nom de domaine complet de la machine exécutant ArcGIS Server, tel que, ou l’URL locale de votre site ArcGIS Server au format


Le nom de domaine complet de la machine, tel que, où Portal, avec lequel votre site ArcGIS Server est fédéré, est installé. La valeur peut également être une URL locale du portail au format Une valeur n’est requise pour cette option que si le serveur ArcGIS allant héberger les services de calcul d’itinéraire est fédéré avec le portail.


Le chemin d’accès complet au jeu de données réseau. Outre le chemin d’accès à la géodatabase fichier, le chemin doit également inclure le nom du jeu de données réseau et le nom du jeu de données d’entité contenant le jeu de données réseau. Par exemple, cette option peut avoir pour valeur c:\data\Rues.gdb\Tournée\Tournée_ND sous Windows et /data/Rues.gdb\Tournée\Tournée_ND sous Linux, Rues.gdb étant la géodatabase fichier qui comporte un jeu de données réseau nommé Tournée_ND dans un jeu de données d’entité nommé Tournée.


Chemin d’accès à un dossier où l’utilitaire créera les fichiers de définition de service des services et un fichier journal nommé publishroutingservices.log et incluant les détails sur l’exécution et toute erreur pouvant survenir.


Prints help for the utility.

Example usage

The ArcGIS Server install includes a script that will help to publish a network service which can be used for routing by the ArcGIS Business Analyst Server service. This script is installed to <ArcGIS Server Install Location>/ArcGIS/Server/Tools/PublishRoutingServices and is named publishroutingservices.bat.

In this example, the streets data copied locally to the C drive. The staging folder for the service definition files is RoutingSDs, it must be created prior to running the utility.

publishroutingservices.bat -s -P -u PortalAdminUser -p PortalAdminPassword -n "Streets Data\NorthAmerica.gdb\Routing\Routing_ND" -o C:\RoutingSDs

Configuring a network utility services from ArcGIS Online

You have the option to configure your portal to use utility services from ArcGIS Online instead of publishing them to your own server. This has the added benefit of providing street network coverage outside the United States. If you would like to use online network services provided by Esri, you must have an ArcGIS Online organizational account. The account must have credits associated with it and the correct permissions to use the utility services.

The ArcGIS Online network services provide coverage for several countries or areas and can be configured in the portal following the steps below.

  1. Sign in to the portal website as a member of the default administrator role in your organization.
  2. At the top of the site, click Organization and click the Settings tab.
  3. Click ArcGIS Online on the left side of the page.
  4. Select Network.
  5. Enter the credentials for the ArcGIS Online account that is to be used for the utility services.
  6. Click Configure.

Next step

Publishing a geocode utility service

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