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Converts a geohash string to an Extent object in WGS 1984 coordinates that represents the corresponding bounding box in the geohash grid.


FromGeohash (geohash_string)
ParamètreExplicationType de données

The geohash string used to obtain the extent in WGS 1984 coordinates.

Valeur renvoyée
Type de donnéesExplication

FromGeohash returns an Extent object in WGS 1984 coordinates of the geohash string.

Exemple de code

Return an Extent object from a geohash string.

import arcpy
extent = arcpy.FromGeohash('dp1k05k8')

Get point geometry at the center of the Extent object converted from the geohash string.

import arcpy

# Spatial reference set to GCS_WGS_1984
spatial_reference = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)

extent = arcpy.FromGeohash('dp1k05k8')
extent_x = (extent.XMax + extent.XMin) / 2
extent_y = (extent.YMax + extent.YMin) / 2

pnt = arcpy.Point(extent_x, extent_y)
pnt_geom = arcpy.PointGeometry(pnt, spatial_reference)

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