Provides access to basic table properties and methods.
There are two ways tables can be referenced in a script for use in a project. To reference tables already in a project, use the listTables method on the Map class. To reference tables directly from a workspace, use the Table function. You may want to reference a table in a project using the listTables function, because you may need to change a table's data source or definition query, or even remove the table from the project using the Map class removeTable method. The Table function is useful for referencing new tables you want to add into a project. Once you have a reference to a new, external table source, you can add it to a Map using the addTable method.
A table can support zero to many definition queries, but only one definition query can be active. It is also possible that one or many definition queries are present but none are active. There are a couple of ways to manage definition queries. First, you can use the definitionQuery property. If you set a unique SQL string on a table that does not have a definition query or a table that has multiple definition queries, the new definition query is added and it becomes the active query. If you set a SQL string on a table that already has that same query, it sets that as the active definition query, if it is not already active. The second way to manage definition queries is to use the listDefinitionQueries and updateDefinitionQueries functions in combination. The listDefinitionQueries function returns a list of Python dictionaries that represent the properties associated with each query. The dictionary keys are name, sql, and isActive. Definition queries can be added, modified, or removed from the Python list using core Python. The dictionary isActive value can be set to True to set the active query. Again, only one query can be active. If you try setting more than one query to be active, an error will be returned. After changes are made, the updateDefinitionQueries function is used to set the new changes.
The enableTime method allows you to enable time on a table. Once time is enabled, the time property provides access to the LayerTime object allowing you to further configure time properties for a table. Refer to the LayerTime help topic for code samples that also apply to tables.
The fields and rows in a table can be displayed and configured using the TableFrameElement class on a Layout. To create a table frame, use the createTableFrameElement method on the Layout class. See the TableFrameElement class help topic for more information and code examples.
Changing a tables's data source is a common requirement. For a more detailed discussion, parameter information, scenarios, and code samples, refer to the Updating and fixing data sources help topic.
Propriété | Explication | Type de données |
connectionProperties (Lecture seule) | Returns a table's data source connection information as a Python dictionary. | Dictionary |
dataSource (Lecture seule) | Returns the complete path for the table's data source. It includes the full workspace path and name of the dataset. For enterprise geodatabase tables, a string containing the table's connection information is returned. Conseil :Enterprise geodatabase tables in an ArcGIS AllSource project do not retain the path to the database connection file (.sde) that was used to create the layer. | String |
definitionQuery (Lecture et écriture) | Provides the ability to get or set a tables's definition query. | String |
isBroken (Lecture seule) | Returns True if a table's data source is broken. | Boolean |
isTimeEnabled (Lecture seule) | Indicates whether time is enabled on the table. If the isTimeEnabled property returns True, the time property on the table can be used to return a LayerTime object. If time is not enabled, use the enableTime method on a table that contains time information. | Boolean |
longName (Lecture seule) | A table's full name including group layer information if it exists. For example, a table named 'Table' in a group layer named 'Group Layer' will return a longName value of 'Group Layer\\Table'. If the table is not in a group, the longName will be the same as the name value. | String |
metadata (Lecture et écriture) | Get or set the table's Metadata class information. Remarque :Setting metadata is dependent on the isReadOnly property value. | Metadata |
name (Lecture et écriture) | Provides the ability to set or get the name of a table the way it would appear in the table of contents. Spaces can be included. | String |
time (Lecture seule) | Returns a LayerTime object if time is enabled on the table. Remarque :The LayerTime object has time properties that can be used for both Layer and Table objects. | LayerTime |
URI (Lecture seule) | The Universal Resource Indicator for a table. It is a unique identifier for a table in a project and is sometimes required when using Python CIM access. Once a table is added and the URI is established, the value does not change over time. For example, if you modify the table's name, the URI will not change. | String |
Vue d’ensemble des méthodes
Méthode | Explication |
disableTime () | Disables time enabled properties on a Table object. |
enableTime ({startTimeField}, {endTimeField}, {autoCalculateTimeRange}, {timeDimension}) | Enables time on a table if it has time information. |
getDefinition (cim_version) | Gets a table's CIM definition. |
getSelectionSet () | Returns a table's selection as a Python set of Object IDs. |
listDefinitionQueries ({wildcard}) | Returns a Python list of definition queries associated with a table. |
pasteProperties (source_table, {table_paste_properties}) | The pasteProperties method pastes properties from a table to another table. |
saveACopy (file_name) | Saves a table to a layer file (.lyrx). |
setDefinition (definition_object) | Sets a table's CIM definition. |
setSelectionSet ({oidList}, {method}) | Sets a table's selection using a Python list of Object IDs. |
updateConnectionProperties (current_connection_info, new_connection_info, {auto_update_joins_and_relates}, {validate}, {ignore_case}) | The updateConnectionProperties method replaces connection properties using a dictionary or a path to a workspace. |
updateDefinitionQueries (definitionQueries) | Updates a table's collection of definition queries. |
disableTime ()
The enableTime method can be used to re-enable time properties.
enableTime ({startTimeField}, {endTimeField}, {autoCalculateTimeRange}, {timeDimension})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
startTimeField | The name of the field containing the start time values. If each row has a single time field, specify that field name in the startTimeField and leave endTimeField blank. If each row has a start and end time field, specify both the startTimeField and endTimeField. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
endTimeField | The name of the field containing the end time values. Not all tables use an end time field. If each row has a single time field, specify that field name in the startTimeField and leave endTimeField blank. If each row has a start and end time field, specify both the startTimeField and endTimeField. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
autoCalculateTimeRange | If set to True, the start and end time attribute information is used to calculate the table's time extent. (La valeur par défaut est True) | Boolean |
timeDimension | The name of the dimension containing time values when using netCDF data. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
All parameters on the enableTime method are optional. If startTimeField and endTimeField are not specified, the method will evaluate the data and attempt to come up with appropriate default values.
After running the enableTime method, the time property on the table can be used to return a LayerTime object. If a MapFrame on a Layout contains time-enabled layers or tables, the MapTime class can be used to access map time settings.
getDefinition (cim_version)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
cim_version | A string that represents the major version of the CIM. | String |
Type de données | Explication |
Object | Returns the CIM definition for a Table object. |
CIM-level access to additional object properties was introduced at ArcGIS AllSource 2.4. When you want to return an object's CIM definition, you must specify a cim_version. Esri follows the semantic versioning specification. This means that at major releases—for example, 3.0—breaking API changes are allowed. This allows Python script authors control over which version of the CIM is used during a script run if there is a possibility breaking changes may be introduced in the new version. If you are authoring scripts for ArcGIS AllSource 2.x, specify the cim_version to be 'V2'. If you are authoring scripts for ArcGIS AllSource 3.x, specify the cim_version to be 'V3'. Scripts authored using cim_version 'V2' will continue to work in ArcGIS AllSource 3.x.
For more information about working with the CIM and samples, see Python CIM access.
getSelectionSet ()
Type de données | Explication |
List | Returns a table's selection as a Python set of Object IDs. |
Provides an easy way to retrieve the table's current selection.
listDefinitionQueries ({wildcard})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
wildcard | A wildcard is based on the query name and is not case sensitive. A combination of asterisks (*) and characters can be used to limit the resulting list. (La valeur par défaut est None) | String |
Type de données | Explication |
List | A Python list of dictionaries that represent the properties associated with each query. The dictionary keys are name, sql, and isActive. |
Definition queries can be added, modified, or removed from the Python list using standard practices. The dictionary isActive value can be set to True to set the active query. Again, only one query can be active. If you try setting more than one query to be active, an error will be returned. After changes are made, the updateDefinitionQueries function is used to set the new changes.
pasteProperties (source_table, {table_paste_properties})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
source_table | A table or feature layer with the properties that will be pasted. | Table |
table_paste_properties [table_paste_properties,...] | A single string or a list of strings that specify the property or properties that will be pasted. For example, table_paste_properties="SYMBOLGY" will paste only symbology properties, whereas table_paste_properties=["CHARTS", "FIELD_PROPERTIES", "POPUPS"]) will paste multiple properties.
(La valeur par défaut est ALL) | String |
For more information about pasting feature layer properties, see the Copy and paste properties help topic.
saveACopy (file_name)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
file_name | A string that includes the location and name of the output layer file (.lyrx). | String |
Both tables and layers can be saved to the layer file (.lyrx).
setDefinition (definition_object)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
definition_object | A modified CIM definition object originally retrieved using getDefinition. | Object |
For more information about working with the CIM and samples, see Python CIM Access.
setSelectionSet ({oidList}, {method})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
oidList [oidList,...] | A Python list of Object IDs to use along with the appropriate selection method. (La valeur par défaut est None) | List |
method | A string that specifies which selection method to use.
(La valeur par défaut est NEW) | String |
This method provides an easy way to manage a table's selection. To clear the selection, use the NEW selection method with an empty list or don't set any parameters. Python lists are used for the oidList, but sets get returned from the getSelectionSet method on the Table object.
updateConnectionProperties (current_connection_info, new_connection_info, {auto_update_joins_and_relates}, {validate}, {ignore_case})
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
current_connection_info | A string that represents the workspace path or a Python dictionary that contains connection properties to the source you want to update. If an empty string or None is used in current_connection_info, all connection properties will be replaced with the new_workspace_info, depending on the value of the validate parameter. | String |
new_connection_info | A string that represents the workspace path or a Python dictionary that contains connection properties with the new source information. | String |
auto_update_joins_and_relates | If set to True, the updateConnectionProperties method will also update the connections for associated joins or relates. (La valeur par défaut est True) | Boolean |
validate | If set to True, the connection properties will only be updated if the new_connection_info value is a valid connection. If it is not valid, the connection will not be replaced. If set to False, the method will set all connections to match the new_connection_info value, regardless of a valid match. In this case, if a match does not exist, the data sources would be broken. (La valeur par défaut est True) | Boolean |
ignore_case | Determines whether searches will be case sensitive. By default, queries are case sensitive. To perform queries that are not case sensitive, set ignore_case to True. (La valeur par défaut est False) | Boolean |
For more detailed discussion, parameter information, scenarios, and code samples, see Updating and fixing data sources.
updateDefinitionQueries (definitionQueries)
Paramètre | Explication | Type de données |
definitionQueries [definitionQueries,...] | Updates a list of dictionaries that represent the properties of each definition query for a table. | List |
This function is typically used to apply the changes that have been made to the results returned by the listDefinitionQueries function.
Exemple de code
The following script prints the stand-alone table names that have a broken data source for all tables in all maps:
import arcpy
aprx ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Yosemite.aprx")
for m in aprx.listMaps():
for tbl in m.listTables():
if tbl.isBroken:
print(f"Table: {} is broken in map: {}")
del aprx
The following script adds a table from a file geodatabase into a map:
import arcpy
aprx ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Yosemite.aprx")
addTab ="C:\Projects\YosemiteNP\Data_Vector\YosemiteData.gdb\NHDFCode")
m = aprx.listMaps("Yose*")[0]
del aprx
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