
AllSource 1.3    |

Disponible con licencia de Image Analyst.

Disponible con una licencia de Spatial Analyst.


Creates a raster object that contains the anomaly pixel values of the input multidimensional raster based on a time-dimension interval and the anomaly calculation method.


Use the Anomaly function to calculate pixel value anomalies for temporal variables in a multidimensional raster object. For example, if you have daily precipitation data, you can find the pixels that are highly different from the monthly average precipitation values throughout your dataset.

The three mathematical methods for calculating anomaly values with this function are as follows:

  • Difference from mean = x - µ
    • x = pixel value in a slice
    • µ = mean of that pixel's values over a given time interval
  • Percent difference from mean = |x - µ| /[(x + µ)/2]
    • x = pixel value in a slice
    • µ = mean of that pixel's values over a given time interval
    • |x - µ| = absolute value of the difference between the value and the mean
  • Percent of average = x / µ
    • x = pixel value in a slice
    • µ = mean of that pixel's values over a given time interval

The referenced raster dataset for the raster object is temporary. To make it permanent, you can call the raster object's save method.


Anomaly (in_raster, {dimension_name}, {anomaly_type}, {temporal_interval}, {ignore_nodata})
ParámetroExplicaciónTipo de datos

The input multidimensional raster.


The dimension name which the anomaly definition will be performed along.

(El valor predeterminado es StdTime)


Specifies the method used to calculate the anomaly.

  • DIFFERENCE_FROM_MEANCalculates the difference between a pixel value and the mean of that pixel's values across slices defined by the interval. This is the default.
  • PERCENT_DIFFERENCE_FROM_MEANCalculates the percent difference between a pixel value and the mean of that pixel's values across slices defined by the interval.
  • PERCENT_OF_MEANCalculates the percent of the mean.

(El valor predeterminado es DIFFERENCE_FROM_MEAN)


Specifies the temporal interval to use to calculate the average.

  • NoneCalculates the average across all slices for each pixel. This is the default.
  • HOURLYCalculates the hourly average for each pixel.
  • DAILYCalculates the daily average for each pixel.
  • WEEKLYCalculates the weekly average for each pixel.
  • MONTHLYCalculates the monthly average for each pixel.
  • YEARLYCalculates the yearly average for each pixel.

(El valor predeterminado es None)


Specifies whether NoData values are ignored in the analysis.

  • True—The analysis will include all valid pixels along a given dimension and ignore any NoData pixels. This is the default.
  • False—The analysis will result in NoData if there are any NoData values for the pixel along the given dimension.

(El valor predeterminado es True)

Valor de retorno
Tipo de datosExplicación

The output anomaly multidimensional raster.

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