Send Email

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The Send Email step sends an email notification to one or more recipients when the step is run. This step type can be used to notify people when a step or job has been completed or when a step didn't complete successfully.


You must configure email settings for ArcGIS Workflow Manager before the Send Email step can be used to send email notifications.

Step configuration

Complete these steps to configure the Send Email step:

  1. Create or edit a workflow diagram to access the Step Library panel.
  2. Drag Send Email from the Step Library to a connection arrow of a step on the workflow canvas.

    The Step Details panel appears.

  3. Provide a name for the step in the Step Name text box.
  4. Optionally, provide a description for the step in the Step Description text box.
  5. Configure step options in the Options section as necessary.
    • Automatically Executes—Runs the step as soon as it becomes active.
    • Can Be Skipped—Allows the step to be finished without being run.
  6. In the Logic section, type one or more email addresses separated by a semicolon in the To text box.
  7. Type a subject for the email notification in the Subject text box.

    You can also use ArcGIS Arcade expressions to provide a dynamic value for the subject. For example, jobName($job)+' is ready'.

  8. Type the message text for the email notification in the Body text box.

    You can also use the following example to provide a dynamic value for the body using ArcGIS Arcade expressions:

    '<b>'+jobName($job)+'</b>, created by <b>'+jobCreator($job)+'</b>, was closed on <b>'+Text(Date(jobEndDate($job)), 'dddd, MMMM D, Y')+'</b>.'

    You must enable the HTML Notification option to use HTML tags in the email body field.

  9. Optionally, if your workflow diagram includes the Add Attachment step, you can choose to include job attachments in the email notification using the following options under Include Attachments:
    • None—Don't include job attachments in the email notification.
    • All—Include all job attachment folders in the email notification.
    • By Folder—Type a comma separated list of folder names in the By Folder text box to specify the job attachment folders to include in the email notification.

    If a job contains multiple attachments, they are sent as a single ZIP file and the Add Attachment step's folder structure will be maintained.

  10. Optionally, click the Help tab and provide help text for the step in the Help text box.
  11. Optionally, click the Style tab to change the shape and color of the step.

Return codes

When the step finishes running, it sends a return code to indicate the result of the step. The return code is evaluated, and the workflow follows all paths that match the step's return value. The following table lists the step's return codes:

Return codeDescription


The step failed to complete successfully.


The step completed successfully.

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