Install the ArcGIS Workflow Manager web app

The following steps describe the process for installing the ArcGIS Workflow Manager web app on the same machine as Portal for ArcGIS.

  1. Sign in as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Sign in to My Esri.
  3. Click the My Organization tab.
  4. Click the Downloads tab.

    The Products page appears.

  5. Locate ArcGIS Enterprise (Linux) and click View Downloads.

    The Download Components tab appears.

  6. Expand the Product Components section.
  7. Click Download for the ArcGIS Workflow Manager web app setup package.
  8. Browse to the location that contains the setup package and extract its contents.

    For example:

    $ tar -zxvf ArcGIS_WorkflowManager.tar.gz
  9. Browse to the location of the extracted files and run to start the installation.

Configure a disconnected environment

You can configure the Workflow Manager web app to point to local resources in an environment where internet access is not available.

Learn more about configuring resources and services in a disconnected portal environment

Set a local basemap

Portal for ArcGIS comes preconfigured with a collection of basemaps from ArcGIS Online that can be used with the Workflow Manager web app. Complete the following steps to configure the web app to use a local basemap:

  1. Open <Portal for ArcGIS installation location>/apps/workflowmanager/conf/appconfig.json in a text editor.
  2. Add the web map item ID using the following example: "mapItemId": "eae4b56daad2453e915cdc2638c74383".
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the Workflow Manager service.

Set a local style sheet

Complete the following steps to configure the ArcGIS Workflow Manager web app to use a local style sheet:

  1. Open the <Portal for ArcGIS installation location>/apps/workflowmanager/index.html file in a text editor.
  2. Update <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> to use a local style sheet using the following example: <link rel="stylesheet" href="">.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the Workflow Manager service.